A World Apart

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Book: A World Apart by Loui Downing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loui Downing
boot clapped the ground as he made an aggressive exit from the car. By now the once light snow had transformed into falling bullets, several of which hitting Cindy’s naturally straight blonde hair as she closed the car door, making her judder with anxiety on impact. The family traipsed glumly across the half mud half dried out grass that was situated just in front of the main entrance to the hospital; along with hanging baskets, benches and flowers pots that the breeze had knocked over, making them spiral in a circular fashion. Henry and George were eying each other and accessing the surroundings whilst doing so, clearly appalled by the state in which the hospital was in and what had gone off here. Cindy walked casually holding Jack in his cot, reacting non-responsively to the sheer mess beneath her feet, having seen it later that evening her mind was distant right now.
    ‘What ward is she on?’ enquired Henry seconds after entering the hospital main entrance, climbing over the debris that once was a doorway.
    ‘Erm…twel.no it’s thirteen, bed number four’ replied Cindy, her eyes looking up to her right. Henry turned to see if there was any form of directions located around them, until Cindy instructed from one she used earlier.
        As the three figures walked down the corridor, they heard a clatter, something like metal hitting the ground. Henry’s eyes widened whilst George and Cindy held each other in a fit of fright. Jack beamed up at them and began with a soft cry out, which Cindy attended to at an instant, covering him with his racing car blanket. 
    ‘There’s someone here, someone that can explain what is going on around here’ shot Henry at the others; heading towards the sound.
    ‘Maybe it was just a rodent or the open window knocking something over’ said George trying to prevent Henry from investigating what is was, reaching to grab his arm as he began walking determinedly. George missed the clutch of Henry’s arm as Henry swerved at the right second and heading down the corridor to the left. George looked towards Cindy who replied with a bewildered expression. Henry looked as though he had spotted something from George’s interpretation of his body language. Henry was stood pointing for a brief second; he then disappeared around the next corner, behind a room with glass observation windows and a nearby room. There was a sign swinging from its hinges informing persons that a certain doctor will be back shortly; Cindy snuffed at it. She proceeded to follow Henry on his route for something; George fumbling around to her distaste.
    ‘Henry, what’s the matter?’ bellowed George at the top of his voice even though Henry wasn’t too far away, although Henry was absorbed in something and didn’t acknowledge. They both continued along after Henry where they came across two large elevators; littered with health equipment. One lift was crammed full of electrical appliances and the other was scattered with cardboard and uniforms. An electronic sound buzzed around inside Cindy’s head giving her an agonising pain that seeped down to her eyes; she raised a hand as if to relieve the pain. The sound was coming from the elevator doors; the metal shutters were jolting to and fro, something was lodged in the mechanism. George noticed something inside as he peered around Henry who was positioned adjacent to the doors.
        Henry leaned forward, squinting to make out what was in front of him but he couldn’t see for the doors were blocking his view. Henry decided to get closer and to find something to jam the doors with whilst he looked inside. He searched the scrap heap that surrounded them all for a piece of metal. Henry chucked the first object he found over his shoulder, as it was easily bendable. As he paused for thought, George passed him a small cage that was perched nicely on top of a pile of used heart monitors. Henry glanced up and then lifted himself off the dusty floor; placing one

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