When I Hurt (Vassi and Seri 2: Russian Stepbrother Romance)

Free When I Hurt (Vassi and Seri 2: Russian Stepbrother Romance) by Marian Tee Page B

Book: When I Hurt (Vassi and Seri 2: Russian Stepbrother Romance) by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
where Vassi had stood that night, and from this angle she realized that back then---
    He had been able to see everything of her.
    Just like the way she could see everything of him now.
    Water streaming from the shower plate hit his golden skin, and she swallowed as she watched Vassi shampooing his hair, causing him to raise arms and exposing more of his big, beautiful body to her.
    His back was all sleek muscle, his chest broad and his abs sculpted. His legs were long and powerful, and oh, his dick---
    She squeezed her eyes shut.
    His dick.
    The same dick that she had sucked in her mouth---
    The same dick that had shot cum down her throat---
    Before she realized what she was doing, she was already dipping her fingers inside her pajama bottoms, her fingers gently drifting over the already wet and swollen folds of her pussy.
    She remembered how he had made her pleasure herself with her own fingers, and she hastily swallowed back a moan.
    Bo zheh moy.
    Had it been this easy for Vassi , she wondered dazedly. Imagining what it was like to fuck her?
    Because for Seri, it was so very easy.
    Slowly, she started to stroke herself.
    “What are you doing?”
    Her eyes flew open.
    The door was wide open, the shower still running in the background, and Vassi – completely nude and still dripping wet – was standing right in front of her, a smirk playing on his lips.
    Gasping in shock, she stumbled back, lost her footing, and would have fallen completely if not for Vassi’s swift reflexes kicking in.
    “Whoa.” Vassi managed to pull her towards him inside the bathroom before she could fall. He frowned down at her, saying disapprovingly, “Be more careful, will you? I don’t mind having to catch you every time, but I don’t like it when other men might have to do it for you.”
    “I mean it.”
    Vassi’s gaze narrowed. “You’re strangely obedient.”
    And could he blame her, Seri wondered dazedly. He had her pressed against his body, and this close she was unable to stop her own body from reacting. Her breasts had started to ache as her nipples pouted to life. And with his throbbing dick pulsing against her belly, she was unable to stop the wetness from streaming out of her, drenching her panties and causing even a few drops to leak down the inner side of her legs.
    He cupped her chin, forcing her to look up, and Vassi’s nostrils flared when he saw the way desire had clouded her gaze and caused her cheeks to turn red.
    “So it’s like this,” he murmured.
    “Like what?” she asked warily.
    His voice lowering a notch, he said reflectively, “Who would have thought that my sweet little sister would be such a perv---”
    She gasped.
    “The way she gets horny, acting like some Peeping Tom as her brother takes a shower---”
    “Shut up!” She tried to wriggle out of his arms this time, but it was no use.
    “And now, I’m betting you’re all wet.” Bending his head down, he murmured against her lips, “Aren’t you?”
    He was playing with her again, she knew he was, but somehow she couldn’t help wanting him more because of it.
    “Yes,” she choked out. His dark low chuckle traveled down her spine like a forbidden, taunting caress, and she hated the way the sound both incensed and aroused her at the same time.
    His smile as he gazed down at her was yet another cruelly beautiful thing, and it made her long to both slap it off his lips and drag his mouth to hers.
    Eto prosto pizdets.
    She was so royally fucked, with the way everything Vassi did making her want to give herself to him.
    Vassi caressed her cheek, and his voice was a velvety purr as he murmured, “You’ve become a dirty little girl, leech.”
    “S-shut up. I just learned it from you.”
    He arched a brow. “What are you talking about?”
    She lifted her chin. “I’m t-talking about that night I was having a shower---”
    Vassi stiffened.
    “And you saw me. You watched me, and you---”
    He pulled away

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