Cuff Master

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Book: Cuff Master by Frances Stockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frances Stockton
right then.
    Ryan Hathaway continued to administer his treatment. By the
time he gave Morgan a couple of injections, Remy and Alex returned with warm,
dry clothes.
    “Ease up on the growling. I need to change her, buddy,” Ryan
told Ethan, pausing when he’d tried to lift the blanket.
    “Sorry?” Ethan questioned.
    “You’re growling the way Phalen does when someone looks at
Cassie too long,” Doc answered. “She’s yours. I get that. I really don’t need a
busted nose tonight.”
    “Yeah, you can’t hurt him, Ethan. I’ve got plans for Doc
later,” Alex supplied calmly, the humor in his voice something that took some
getting used to.
    “Alex, make sure no one comes near us,” Ethan told his
    “God, you’re as bossy as Phalen. Talk about your déjà vu.
Kind of hot,” Alex teased.
    “If you’re not careful, I’ll unleash Taran on your scrawny
    “He has a great ass,” Morgan whispered, barely opening her
eyes, but making them all laugh.
    “Who does? Alex or Taran?” Remy interrupted. “My money’s on
    Doc stilled again, lifting his eyes to zero in on the man
who’d spoken. “You will not look at my man’s ass, thank you. Who the hell are
you anyway?”
    “Friend of Morgan’s. Name’s Remy. I was at the wedding.”
    “That’s where I’ve seen you before. Just keep your eyes and
your thoughts to yourself,” Ryan warned.
    “No problem, my man, trying to lighten the mood.” Remy
lifted his hands in a gesture of peace.
    “Ethan?” Morgan called out sleepily.
    “Everything’s okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
    “I meant Taran. Sam thinks he has a great ass too. Don’t
tell him though, shush…not supposed to know. Girls talk, you know…”
    Before Ethan could respond, Morgan was asleep. Now those
were some kickass painkillers Doc had given her.
    Thank God, the pain on her face over the last few minutes
scared the fuck out of him. For every throb she’d felt, he’d experienced. She’d
been nauseous and trying not to throw up in front of all of them.
    Alex made good on his promise to clear the area. Once Doc
and Ethan were alone with Morgan, they methodically removed the damp blanket
and her soaked clothing.
    The hell of it was, even drenched, she looked phenomenal.
Fortunately, he and Doc didn’t linger over changing her and Ethan didn’t show
his shock when he spied her black and red lace panties and Victoria’s Secret
    Just the sight of her pretty underwear had caused a rush of
blood to fill his cock. If he wasn’t careful, he would be at full mast and say
to hell with who was around to see it.
    For now, he’d keep his dick in check and take care of
    As soon as she was dressed in big, ugly sweats, some socks
and one of Alex’s shirts, Ethan scooped her up and stood. “Okay, Doc, where do
we go?”
    “EMT has a stretcher all set for her,” Doc said, gesturing
to the patient medic. Ethan gently set her on the stretcher and covered Morgan
with a soft blanket.
    Winslow came up to them. “The inspector couldn’t find
anything except her cellphone. The thing’s ruined by the water. If you dry it
out with salt, it might still be of use.” He handed it to Ryan, who pocketed it
for the time being.
    “It’s fortunate the fire was minor,” Winslow continued. “It
is possible someone went into the ladies room for a smoke and failed to douse
it correctly. Mrs. Bailey mentioned there was a slight scent of smoke in there,
but didn’t think it was from a cigarette.”
    “Still think Morgan set the fire, Chief Winslow?” Ethan
    “No. Mrs. Bailey claimed Ms. Everhart came in complaining of
a bad headache and talked nonsense about ghosts or some such thing. My wife
gets those migraines, causes all sorts of weird hallucinations. The last thing
she’d do is smoke when she feels that bad.”
    “You might want to talk to Spencer Bailey,” Alex advised.
“He booked the party for Bailey and Stratham Investments. He might know

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