Legend of the Inero Dragon
couldn't rely on his eyes to tell him the truth.
    He wanted to ask her what life was like on
her farm, if he could get her to talk about it. Every other time
he'd asked her about it, she had avoided saying anything. Perhaps
she'd answer him now that he needed to know for other reasons
besides his own curiosity.
    He couldn't focus on the rest of the
meeting. All he could do was sit in shock and replay his father's
words in an attempt to make sense of it all. Never in his wildest
dreams had he imagined his first experience at the great council
would be so eventful. Matt always spoke of how boring the meetings
were and how nothing interesting ever happened.
    The whole thing was overwhelming. Thousands
of men from all over the world sat in an arena listening to
discussions from the leaders of the four major nations. Even more
overwhelming was the fact that Jason got the privilege to sit on
the floor with his father and brother. He had a front row seat. All
of the other leaders had a son with them to observe. If not a son,
then another young man fresh into adulthood. He couldn't stand
being so close to the center of attention. The spotlight had never
been his thing. All he wanted to do was get away.
    Finally, they were released for the day.
Jason stood, his knees a little weak from shock.
    "You knew," Jason said to his brother as they
    Matt shrugged. He was trying to dodge the
subject. Jason wasn't going to let him.
    "Why didn't you say something to me?" he
    "It's not something you need to worry about,"
Matt said.
    "Yes, it is. Inero is my home. If I can help
my people, I want to."
    "Which is exactly why I didn't want to say
anything. You're a worry wart and you can't fix everything. You
definitely can't fix this. Father has a plan. It doesn't involve
your area of expertise. When he needs you, he will call upon you,"
Matt replied sharply.
    Jason stopped walking for a moment, feeling
as though he'd been slapped. With a scowl, he pushed forward again,
moving past Matt so he could go back to the room alone. Matt
quickened his pace, grabbing Jason's arm.
    "It's not like I wanted to keep you in the
dark. I promised Father I wouldn't talk about it. He doesn't want a
panic. He hates being so vulnerable to the point where we have to
ask for help. He feels like a failure."
    With a sigh, Jason led them to a side path
where they could talk more privately. He ran a hand over his face
slowly so he could buy more time to think.
    "Please try to understand," Matt pleaded.
    "I am." He did understand, somewhat. He knew
how bad a panic would be amongst the people, especially before a
plan was thought out. Chaos would have put the entire nation at
risk. Still, it bothered him that Matt or their father or both
believed he would ignite that panic. Why would he have told
    Matt sighed. "If it wasn't for Father, I
would have told you."
    "I know. You're right. I am worried. I have a
reason to be. If I can help, please don't hesitate to ask."
    "Thank you. Father will appreciate your
    "I'm honored," Jason said. Something felt
wrong. He recalled his conversation with Navi, wondering what else
he wasn't being told.

Chapter Seventeen
    Once she changed into her sleep clothes and
brushed her hair, Gwen went out into her living room to join Navi
and Chris. They were having a weeklong slumber party while their
men were away.
    The first night Gwen had been hesitant about
the idea. She had been looking forward to being on her own. Not
that Jason invaded her space. She just always felt like she had to
be strong in front of him. She thought she'd finally have a chance
to cope with being taken from her family, and someone else was
around with watchful eyes on her so she couldn't let go like she
needed to. She wanted to cry, scream, and throw things, to be able
to react to her situation. But maybe that was why he set the
friendship up with Navi. Gwen could have destroyed the house, along
with herself.
    Navi made for good

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