In Bed With Her Boss (Kimani Romance)

Free In Bed With Her Boss (Kimani Romance) by Brenda Jackson

Book: In Bed With Her Boss (Kimani Romance) by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
But, whenever I return home to Frisco, I know in my heart that the West is the best. There’s nothing like the Bay area.”
    Opal nodded. Though she hadn’t visited half the places he had, it was her personal opinion that, even with its sometimes harsh winters, Detroit was a nice place to live, as well.
    “We’ll be staying in the hotel only one night. Then we’re going to my home where we’ll be for the rest of the week.”
    His home? Opal glanced over at him.
    “We’ll be working out of my office there, and I have several meetings set up.”
    She nodded. She knew about the meetings, but hadn’t known they would be conducted from his home. In fact, she hadn’t been aware of the fact that he owned a home here. Deciding what he did and what he owned was definitely none of her business, she didn’t say anything.
    When he pulled into the hotel’s driveway for valet parking, he glanced over at her. “We’re having dinner with Harold Phelps and his wife, Bernice. He’s interested in opening several stores in Hawaii.”
    “That’s wonderful,” she said. She knew there wasn’t a Sports Unlimited in that state. In fact, from the map D’marcus kept on the wall in his office, she was aware of each state his franchised stores had not yet invaded. She knew he was working hard to change that; he’d once mentioned that he wanted a store in every state in the union.
    When they walked into the hotel, she was truly impressed. The lobby was a stunning atrium filled with young trees and flowering plants. For someone who loved flowers as much she did, it was a breathtaking sight. She admired it while D’marcus went to the check-in desk. He hadn’t asked her to make the hotel reservations for this trip as he normally did. She had found that odd, but had not questioned him about it.
    She nodded at D’marcus, who handed her a key card and led her toward the elevator bank. A car was waiting and they stepped in.
    “What time is dinner?” she asked.
    “Seven. The restaurant’s not far from the hotel, so I’ll be to your room to get you around six-thirty.”
    “All right.” Now she was grateful for those dressy outfits Ruby had insisted she purchase.
    She stepped off the elevator onto the eighteenth floor. Surprised when D’marcus did, too.
    “I requested hotel rooms across the hall from each other. Things will be easier that way.”
    Easier? Having him so close certainly wouldn’t be easier for her.
    D’marcus stood in the hallway moments after Opal had gone inside her room. He had to force himself to get a grip. He wouldn’t be surprised if his uncle and aunt had picked up on his attraction to her. He had a feeling his aunt Marie had, and that had been the reason she’d asked him to bring Opal back for a visit before he left the city.
    Releasing a deep sigh, he opened the door to his room and went inside. As requested, his and Opal’s rooms were spacious suites. Although they would only be staying for one night, he believed in comfort and convenience.
    As he eased his jacket from his shoulders, he couldn’t help but recall Opal’s beautiful face when she’d sat across from him in the jet sleeping. And, when she had whispered his name, his gut had clenched and blood had rushed to every part of his body. Why would his administrative assistant be thinking about him while she slept?
    Various reasons crossed his mind, but his brain was stuck on one of them—the possibility that she was as attracted to him as he was to her. He’d never had reason to think that she was…until now.
    She didn’t know how close she’d come to being awakened with a kiss. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought. But he continued smiling when he thought of the changes she’d made. Although he hadn’t given his opinion, he thought she looked good and liked what she’d done. He’d barely been able to keep his eyes off of her.
    He removed his tie, thinking he needed a shower, a very cold one. Then he would

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