The Cube Heist (BWWM Interracial Romance and Crime)

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Book: The Cube Heist (BWWM Interracial Romance and Crime) by Nina Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Hall
almost normal, like a regular girl on a date. She slipped her hand into Harper’s and to his credit; he didn’t look at her or react in any way.
    They chose a bar cum restaurant and at a private booth away from the counter and the entrance.
    Harper ordered a beer and Lisa went for a glass of wine.
    “This is crazy,” Lisa said. “I never have alcohol before seven in the evening.”
    “Me neither but today I feel like celebrating.” Harper said.
    “Celebrating what?” Lisa said with a laugh.
    “We’re celebrating one of two things. One, the coming success of our mission, and then most likely, our very last.”
    “Secondly” Lisa urged.
    “Secondly, we may be celebrating our last day of freedom. We may spend the rest of our lives, productive lives anyway, in jail.” Harper said in a casual tone.
    Lisa’s mouth curled in distaste.
    “Did you have to do that Harper? Spoil my meal and my day?”
    Harper laughed.
    “It’s the reality. Every time before I go on a job, I visualize myself on a sandy island somewhere. The sun is hot and I’m sipping a cool beer. Then I switch locations. I visualize myself seated on a long table, wearing a green overall, surrounded by hundreds of men, each of them engrossed in their tasteless meal.”
    “Shit Harper, you’re a ray of sunshine aren’t you?” Lisa said her appetite all gone.

    The five of them, Anderson, Clark and Jackson and the two guys Harris had picked to join them, met at eight in Harris’s office. The small office looked squashed and small crowded by six men. Anderson knew the two guys, King and Adams. They were both in their early thirties and Anderson hoped that the five of them would work well together.
    “So boys, today is the day. As you well know, it’s imperative that the cube stays safe, and in the bank until tomorrow when it’ll be moved. The boys from headquarters will take it to the bank at ten.” Harris glanced at his watch. “That’s two hours from now. Once it enters the bank, it’s our job to make sure it stays there till tomorrow at ten.”
    They all nodded.
    “Anderson go on, take us through what you boys have come up with.” Harris said.
    Anderson cleared his throat. “The way we see it, the vulnerable places are the front and the back. We’re not so worried about the back because the back is completely sealed.”
    “What about the shops next door?” Harris interjected.
    “They’re two, and yes they’re weak points, but using that way to access the bank would require a lot of hours which the they won’t have. From bank heists past, thugs usually time their strikes during bank holidays, when they know the banks are closed for more than twenty four hours. We’re lucky because cube will only be there over night.”
    “OK, go on.” Harris said.
    “We’ll split into two groups, my usual team and then King and Adams. My team will work at night and the other team can do the day shift.”
    Harris nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll see you all tomorrow I wish you all the best.”
    “Make sure to call me if anything happens.” Anderson told King and Adam. “Anything at all.”
    Anderson and his team left for home, leaving King and Adams at the office until a few minutes to ten when they would head to the bank. Anderson was eager to go home, and he felt grateful for the night shift so he could spend time with his now very pregnant wife.
    “What are you doing honey?” Anderson said, staring at his wife in disbelief.
    “I’m hovering honey, what did you think I was doing?” she said, turning off the hoover.
    “I know, I can see, what I mean is, shouldn’t you be resting, you with your feet up?”
    “I probably should huh.” Mary said, making a face. “I just can’t seem to sit still. I keep seeing stuff that should be done before the baby gets here.”
    “Come-on, let’s go upstairs, I’ll give you a massage.” Anderson said.
    They went up the stairs hand in hand and settled on the bed. It felt odd to be

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