Giving Up the Ghost

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Book: Giving Up the Ghost by Phoebe Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoebe Rivers
putting down my book.
    He sat down at the edge of my bed. He looked more tired than usual, but still handsome, in a crinkly-eyed, rumpled-hair, needs-a-shave kind of way.
    â€œListen, kiddo, I hope you were okay with our doing something special for your birthday on a different day,” he said. “I know you have that party to go to on Saturday, and it’s kind of a crazy weekend for me, work-wise. And now I don’t have a car, either. The body shop says it won’t be ready until at least Thursday, and much as I love driving Lady Azura’s boat”—he rolled his eyes—“I don’t want to drive it any kind of distance. So maybe we can plan a getaway for, say, next weekend? I was thinking—”
    â€œDad,” I interrupted. “No worries. I totally understand.” And I did. The last thing I wanted was for him to be feeling bad about my birthday, on top of all the other stuff he was worrying about. “I really wasn’t upset about not doing something together,” I continued. “I was more upset because Lily’s being kind of, I don’t know, weird and standoffish about this party she’s having. And it’s a party for Jayden. You know, the guy I went to the semiformal dance with a few weeks ago. And she pretty much forgot all about the fact that it was the same day as my birthday. But I think she feels bad about forgetting.”
    He opened his mouth as though he wanted to say something, then closed it again. I had a sudden urge to read his thoughts, but again I resisted. I put up the bubble. This time it was easy. And then I was glad I wasn’t intruding into his personal thoughts.
    â€œI know friend stuff can be tough,” he said awkwardly. “But you just have to trust that you and Lily are really good friends. And not worry too much about the small stuff. Just think positive, kiddo.”
    I smiled. All this talk about positive thinking! But I knew he was trying. I knew he worried all the time that I didn’t have a mother around to say these kinds of motherly things. They sounded a little awkward coming from my dad, but it made me love him all the more for trying. “Thanks, Daddy-o,” I said, using my old nickname for him. That made him smile.
    He patted my leg and stood up. “Try to get some sleep.”
    I dropped my book onto the floor next to my bed and snuggled into my pillows. He kissed me on the forehead and turned out the light.
    But I didn’t fall asleep. As soon as I was sure I heard him walk down the hall and into his room, I turned my light back on and sat up. I had my own plan of how to fix the problems in my house, and I was going to try it tonight.

Chapter 11
    I finished my Odyssey reading and even got ahead in my social studies chapter before I decided that everyone else in the house must be asleep. Usually reading one page of my social studies textbook was enough to put me to sleep, but not tonight. I was wide-awake. Apprehensive, but excited, too. The clock said 12:04 a.m. What I planned to do was risky, because Lady Azura was a night owl. But she’d yawned through dinner and grumbled several times about turning in early. So I had to hope for the best.
    I didn’t dare go downstairs to Lady Azura’s summoning room. Even if she had gone to bed, I couldn’t risk it. She was a light sleeper and would probably hear me.
    I swung my legs out of bed and tiptoed over to my bureau, where I’d hid the candle I had borrowed from Lady Azura’s room earlier in the evening. I carried it over to my desk, which I’d decluttered in anticipation of this occasion. I lit the candle and then sat down, staring into the flame.
    I didn’t know how to summon a spirit properly, but I’d done it once before with Jayden’s brother, Marco, and I felt pretty sure I could do it again.
    â€œNina Oliver,” I whispered, closing my eyes. “Nina, if you can hear me, please show yourself.

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