Mix 'N Match (No Match for Love)

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Book: Mix 'N Match (No Match for Love) by Lindzee Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindzee Armstrong
Tags: contemporary romantic comedy
suitcase for makeup?—but he couldn’t deny that whatever she did, the results were impressive.
    They made it to the airstrip without anyone following them. Mitch trailed Zoey up the stairs to the Challenger 604. Zoey froze just inside the interior, her mouth hanging open.
    “Holy Toledo.”
    Mitch raised an eyebrow. “You’ve never been on Luke’s jet?”
    She placed a hand on her hip, glaring at him. “When would I have been on his jet?”
    “I don’t know. You’ve known Luke longer than I have.”
    “Yeah, but we’ve always been more acquaintances because of Brooke than friends. And he was just an Average Joe from a middle-class family when we met.” She ran a hand along the smooth leather of one of the oversized captain’s chairs. “This is incredible.”
    “It gets us where we need to go.”
    Zoey gave him an incredulous look. “Can you please just relax for five seconds and appreciate the amazingness that is this airplane? We’re going to be flying in the sky, across the ocean, in a private jet . I get to spend the next two weeks living in Paris. This life is unreal.”
    Mitch set his briefcase on the small table between the four chairs. He shrugged out of his suit jacket. “This trip is for work, not pleasure. Brooke has a list long enough to keep us busy from the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep every day.”
    “I don’t think so, mister. We are taking time out to see the Eiffel Tower, and tour the Louvre, and whatever other Paris must-experiences there are. Brooke will have no problem with that. I’m ninety-nine percent sure. And if she does have a problem with it, well, she’ll be in the blissful newlywed haze by the time she finds out. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission, I always say.”
    And that right there explained so much about Zoey and why they could never be together. He’d do well to remember that over the next two weeks.
    “Welcome aboard Ryder Communication’s Challenger 604,” the flight attendant said. Eliza was in her mid-forties, with chestnut-brown hair and kind eyes just beginning to show signs of wrinkles. She’d been the plane’s only stewardess for as long as Mitch could remember. “Can I get either of you a pre-flight drink?”
    Zoey laughed, sinking into the chair across from Mitch’s. “I’ll have a Dr. Pepper.” She gave Mitch a pointed glare. “Since this is a work vacation.”
    “A water with lime for me,” Mitch said. “Thank you, Eliza.”
    Eliza nodded and made her way to the galley kitchen near the cockpit. Mitch booted up his laptop and started shuffling through a stack of papers Brooke had given him. “I think the first thing we should do is schedule an appointment to check out the venue. Brooke has one scheduled for Tuesday, but I’ve sent Juliette an email asking her to meet us at Versailles as soon as we land. I want to make sure she’s aware of our needs and has everything prepared for the wedding.”
    “This is an eleven-hour flight, plus however long it takes to refuel in New York.”
    Mitch rubbed the back of his neck. Why couldn’t they just get through this quickly so he could sleep? “Yeah, I’m aware. I’ve made the trip before.”
    “Eleven hours on a plane. Literally, the only people who are going to see you, are me and Eliza. And maybe the pilot.”
    “Your point?”
    “For that eleven-hour flight, you chose to wear a suit . ”
    “Not everyone goes out in public in pajamas.”
    Zoey folded her arms, her lips pursing as her brow drew together in a scowl. “These aren’t my pajamas. They’re yoga pants. I’d think someone as yoga-obsessed as you would know that.”
    “I’ve never seen a pair of yoga pants that say juicy across the butt.”
    “You were staring at my butt?”
    Mitch felt his cheeks heat. “You’re twisting my words.”
    “You’re wearing a suit. On an airplane. ”
    “I like to maintain a professional appearance at all times.” Mitch glanced at his laptop, then quickly

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