The Bleeding Sun
quite interesting. A number of briefcases were
stacked in the hangar. It also contained an armored truck where
multiple armed agents were checking and loading the briefcases.
Lucas could not waste any more time. He would need to get on with
his plan. He set up the security footage in an endless loop so that
his exploits would no longer be recorded. He also shut down all
security systems to ensure an easy passage during his escape. He
used the radio to send a SOS transmission on all frequencies. Next
he would need to disrupt the electrical transmission and bring
darkness over the land.
    Lucas headed towards the
electrical systems. First up was the backup generator. He attached
a C4 stick below the generator encasement and turned off the
voltage regulator. He punctured the container holding the generator
fuel. His exit would now literarily lead to a big blast. Next he
went to the electrical transmission room. Two agents were sitting
in the room talking to each other. Lucas entered the room in a
flash and shot both of them with his M9. He attached the last stick
of C4 to the main control panel and turned the power off. The
backup generators did not start and hence darkness prevailed across
the castle leading to utter panic among the agents. Lucas had to
use this opportunity to quickly get hold of Annie and get out of
    He turned on the night mode on his
goggles and quickly headed towards the stairs. He could hear the
guards coming over from the hallway. Also the ones from the
dormitory would head in direction of the electrical transmission
room. He reached the stairs and quickly headed for the third floor.
He could see flashlights on the second floor on his way through. He
got a glance of Rosmus who was heading to Romanovich’s room. The
Russian tycoon had started to panic and was looking for safety.
Lucas did not have time to visit them immediately. He would take
care of them soon. But first, he needed to rescue Annie.
    On reaching the third floor, he
could see that the guards were missing. They had entered Annie’s
cell. Lucas decided to cause more panic among the guards. He took
the couple of grenades that he had collected from the watchtower
and threw them in front of the gate of the cell. Around five
seconds later with a huge explosion, the door gave through. He
stormed into the room taking down the first guard with his M9. The
second one hit back making him drop his gun. However, Lucas managed
to overpower him and quickly kill him off with his Swiss
    Annie was in really bad shape. She
was dangling in thin air. Her arms and legs were tied with ropes
and they were attached to hooks attached from the ceiling and the
ground. The bastards had wanted to stretch her and rip her open.
She also had a thin rope around her neck which the guards were
fastening to suffocate her. She didn’t look good, but she was still
alive. Lucas cutoff the ropes as Annie’s body fell on the ground.
He slowly lifted her up and patted her cheek as she slowly gained
    ‘ It’s about time you woke up and
helped me’, he smiled. Annie gave Lucas a very faint smile. She was
too weak owing to the harsh treatment she had been subjected
    Lucas picked up the pistol of the
fallen guard and some ammo and handed them over to Annie. He also
picked up the army knife which the guard had been using. He had
spent enough time with the Swiss knife; it was about time that he
used something bigger. They could not take the stairs and go
through all the viper agents. So Lucas used the chain to pull
himself up to the ceiling and opened up the vent on top of the
cell. He assisted Annie up first before following in the same
direction. They used the vent and slowly moved towards the top of
the building. When Lucas came out of the outlet of the vent on top
of the roof, he could see five Viper agents running around
frantically looking around the edges to figure out if someone was
trying to evade the

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