
Free Robin by Julane Hiebert Page A

Book: Robin by Julane Hiebert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julane Hiebert
hand is on a one and a two, Ty. Now can we go fishing?” Jacob wiggled his way between them, the watch held high in his hands like a trophy.
    Ty waited for Jacob’s rhythmic breathing to signal the tyke was asleep before he blew out the lamp and made his way downstairs. He didn’t want to take a chance the little scamp would interrupt his conversation with Robin again. He’d come close to telling her about his one and only love, until now. Why? He’d never even shown her his tree. Why was it important for Robin to know his past?
    John met him at the bottom of the steps. “You get the boy down for the night?”
    “I think so. He was pretty tuckered from his day of fishing.”
    “Robin’s on the porch if you would rather talk to her than me.” John grinned.
    “Thanks, but you’re welcome to join us.”
    “ ’Bout as welcome as a cricket chirpin’ under your bed.”
    Ty chuckled. For a man who’d never had a wife, John Wenghold understood the ways of courting. Could a man become wise without experience? He smiled at the mere thought of John wooing a lady. But is that wha t h e was doing? Courting? Wooing?
    He stepped to the porch and leaned against a pillar. Robin sat sideways in the swing, her head resting against the high wooden back. Were her eyes closed? It was hard to tell in the light of the crescent moon. Maybe he should get on Tag and ride home.
    “You’re staring.”
    “I thought you might be sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
    She opened her eyes and sat up. “Just thinking about today. Thank you for showing Jacob such a good time.
    He joined her on the swing and put one arm across the back. “And how about you, Miss Wenghold. Did you have a good time, too?”
    She turned to him. “I did have a good time. I especially liked your leaning tree. But I wish it held more happy memories for you.”
    “Oh, it’s full of happy recollections. I just didn’t get around to telling you about them before we were joined by a certain little boy.”
                  “I was thinking perhaps your tree would be a good place for Jacob. He doesn’t want to talk about a pa, but maybe he’d tell the tree.”
                  “You mean spy on him? Listen to him?”
                  She shook her head. “No, nothing like that. You could tell him how special it was and how you could tell the tree anything. Maybe it would give him a safe place.”
                  “But, Robin, it wasn’t the tree I talked to when I went there—I talked to God. God was my safe place.”
                  “That’s not what you said. You said that tree knew more about you than anyone.”
                  “Because when I was there I prayed. I learned early that I could tell God anything. It isn’t a popular idea among many people, but my parents believed it with all their heart. I’ve never been afraid to voice even my deepest . . .” He took a deep breath, much like he used to do before jumping into water he knew was over his head. The only difference now—he didn’t dare hold his nose.
    He moved his arm so his hand rested on her shoulder. “Robin, a year ago I was . . .”
    The door flew open and Jacob bounded onto the porch. “Ty, Ty, don’t leave. Please don’t leave. Please.” The boy threw himself against Ty’s legs.
    Ty groaned. Was this child destined to always wiggle his way between him and Robin? Could he never have more than ten minutes alone with her? He lifted Jacob onto his lap. “I’m not leaving forever, Jacob. I’ll be back tomorrow, remember?”
    Jacob clutched Ty’s arm and curled into his lap. “I wished you could stay here all night. Don’t you Robin?”
    Robin’s foot pushed against the porch and the swing lurched.
    Ty wrapped his arms around the boy. Was this tyke’s mama glad when he learned to talk?

    John grimaced when he entered Emma’s Mercantile. Henrietta Harvey, of all people, stood

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