Pirate Ambush

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Book: Pirate Ambush by Max Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Chase
that happen. It wasn’t just that Peri wanted else to be a Star Fighter more than anything in the solar system. He and Diesel were keeping a big secret. They had two unofficial crew members hiding on the Phoenix : Selene, their fearless engineer, who had been a stowaway, and Otto, a bounty hunter from planet Meigwor. If anyone found out about either of them, Peri feared he and Diesel would be kicked out of the IFA.
    The final beacon was only seconds away from the finish line. Peri was going too fast for the transporter beam. He punched in the coordinates of the beacon and activated the laser net.
    ‘Negative,’ the computer responded. ‘Too dangerous to use laser net at this speed.’
    ‘Override safety protocols,’ Peri commanded, pressing his palm against the control panel to override the ship’s computer.
    ‘Override accepted.’ The computer dropped the laser net in place.
    Peri guided his pod towards the beacon. Blood pounded in his head. He fought hard to keep the nav-stick steady. He had one chance to get it right.
    ‘Now,’ he yelled and pulled up. As the net scooped up the beacon and brought it on board, the nav-stick was wrenched from Peri’s hand. The laser net’s split-second grab was like slamming on the brakes at top speed. He was thrown against the astro-harness. His fighter pod spun violently. He banged on the stabilising thrusters, but he just kept spinning.
    ‘ S’fâh , Peri!’ Diesel yelled over the radio. ‘What are you doing?’ Diesel was zigzagging madly, trying to keep his own fighter pod out of Peri’s way.

    The finish line was just ahead. Peri slammed on the boosters. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but maybe he could still do it. With the right touch, he could nudge his out-of-control fighter pod in the right direction. He punched the nav-stick left, then right. He held his breath as he spun through the green light of the finish line. He regained control just in time to see Diesel’s pod cross the line. The final scores flashed on the screen. The race was over. Peri had crossed the finish line first!
    ‘Rocket-tastic!’ Peri cried. ‘Eat my two point three seconds, Diesel!’
    General Pegg’s voice came over the radio. ‘Peri and Diesel! Back to base immediately!’
    Peri steered towards the IFA base-ship. General Pegg sounded really angry, but why? Peri and Diesel had both passed the final Star Fighter test.
    The automatic docking controls guided the fighter pods into the landing bay. Peri’s pod touched down with a jolt. He tore off the astro-harness and climbed out. Diesel stormed towards him. His narrow band of spiky hair had turned scarlet and his eyes flashed yellow.
    ‘You cheating lamizoid!’ Diesel shouted.
    Before Peri could reply, General Pegg marched into the landing bay.
    ‘I’ve never seen such reckless flying!’ he yelled. ‘I should discharge you both for endangering each other’s lives!’
    Peri’s circuits went cold.
    Had he just thrown away his chance of becoming a fully fledged Star Fighter?

    Chapter 2
    General Pegg flicked a finger across the touch screen of his wrist-computer and the scores on the board above the landing bay changed. ‘Peri, I’m penalising you fifteen seconds.’
    That’s not fair , Peri wanted to shout. I crossed the line first!
    ‘I win!’ Diesel cheered as his band of hair turned orange in celebration.
    ‘Be quiet, Diesel!’ General Pegg yelled. ‘You may have won the race – but I’m not sure either of you is mature enough to become a Star Fighter.’
    Peri felt his stomach turn as if he was doing somersaults around a black hole. Diesel’s hair had turned a sickly green. After a week of the most intensive training in the history of the IFA, General Pegg couldn’t fail them now, could he?
    One of the trainers ran over to Peri. ‘You’ve broken the all-time record!’ he said, but an angry look from General Pegg sent the trainer scurrying away.
    ‘Using the laser net at that speed was a reckless

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