Doctor Dom Series Sequence One (Triage | Observation | Diagnosis): A BDSM & Medical Play Series

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Book: Doctor Dom Series Sequence One (Triage | Observation | Diagnosis): A BDSM & Medical Play Series by Tara Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Crescent
taken on life, little by little, as the months went by, and eventually, I could function again; could even think of boys and sex without pain. But never love. That door was shut to me.
    I couldn’t help but think that I was just a series of Matryoshka dolls. Open up the capable business owner, and there was the girl who had rejected submission and love in favour of survival and self-respect. Open her up, and there was the barely healed welts of Nick O’Malley’s control. And underneath it all, the teenager scarred by acne and cruel, hurtful sneers.
    When Patrick told me not to masturbate, my agreement had come from a place deep inside me. For many years, I had forced myself to forget the path to that place; I had pretended that the path didn’t exist anymore, that it had been overgrown with the thorns of my self-loathing. But then he had given me an order, and it turned out that the path was always there, and that it was as clear as it had always been.
    In a way that I couldn’t understand, I had revealed that path to Patrick when he told me not to masturbate, and I had agreed. He could walk through my psyche if he desired; open each doll to reveal what lay underneath, till all that was left was the weak and frightened child I really was.
    By submitting to his desire for control, I had laid myself bare before him. Naked. Trembling. Fearful. Oddly hopeful.
    A line came to me that seemed fitting, from an old W.B. Yeats poem.
    I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Chapter 7
    Despite all my misgivings, I’d never had to work harder to prevent myself from masturbating.
    I couldn’t stop thinking about Patrick. I thought of the way I was fed slices of cheese from his fingers when I ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch on Sunday. I thought of him shaving my pussy when I showered Sunday night. I thought of him making me breakfast when I walked into the bagel place on my way to work Monday morning. I thought of him a hundred times, and every time I thought of him, my insides clenched with arousal. My pussy was constantly damp; my nipples, constantly hard.
    I talked to Patrick once, on Monday afternoon. He called just to check in, to say hi. I grinned for hours after; like a silly teenager who was happy that the boy she had a crush on had noticed her existence.  My assistant Natalie raised an eyebrow at my flushed cheeks; at the way I had grabbed my cell phone and headed into my office, shutting the door, at my silly smile when we finished our conversation.
    “New guy?” she asked. Natalie had great guy radar; she always knew when I was seeing someone.
    I nodded; reluctant to share any more.
    She laughed at me. “He must be quite something, I’ve never seen you blush so much or answer your phone faster…”
    I blushed, again. “It’s new…” I mumbled. I didn’t want to jinx it.
    I had no luck keeping anything from Mandy and Monica. Monday night, I rang Monica’s doorbell and her husband Ethan opened it, and grinned at me. “I’m supposed to ask you about some cute doctor,” he said. “That’s honestly all Monica’s talked about all week, good luck with the inquisition.”
    I groaned. I knew I was going to get grilled when Monica called and invited me over, but I still went. Evidently, I was a sucker for pain.
    “Spill,” was all Mandy said, as soon as I walked into the living room.
    “Hello to you as well,” I replied, finding a beer in the refrigerator, and grabbing a glass from the cabinet. “Where’s Monica?”
    “Giving Jimmy a bath,” she said. “Stop changing the subject.”
    “Indeed,” I heard Monica’s voice in the doorway; she walked in, carrying her son Jimmy. He was a year old now; he was babbling something cheerfully; his voice a pleasant sing-song. I grinned. Jimmy was adorable.
    “Okay, the boys are getting out of your hair,” Ethan wandered in, and grabbed Jimmy. “Lisa, enjoy the third degree…” I grinned,

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