Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1)

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Book: Choice Matters (Southern Heat Book 1) by Jamie Salisbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Salisbury
think I am. And what about last night? Didn’t
you have dinner with clients? What happened after?”
    “It was a work night. He took me home.”
    “You can try and spin that story with others, Caitlyn, but
it won’t work with me.”
    “Enough with the twenty questions.”
    “What? A mother wants to know what her daughter is planning.
Nothing more. Especially when it involves one of the richest and most
influential men in the world.”
    “Give it a rest. And just so you know, I have a strict
policy of not dating men I work with or am employed by.”
    “Which Apolo Choice will ignore.
The man is known for getting his way. Face it. You’re doomed.”
    I ignored her digs as the waiter brought us our lunch.
Without another word to her, I speared my fish with my fork and took a bite of
the sautéed sole.
    “I’m planning to have a small party to kick off summer the
Saturday before Memorial Day weekend. Please make sure to bring Izzie . Oh, and do extend an invitation to your boss.” She
skillfully popped a piece of chicken into her mouth. The woman had no shame.
    “I’ll have to see what Izzie’s work schedule is like. She’s gone back to three day, twelve hour shifts, and
sometimes they fall on weekends. As for Mr. Choice, you’ll have to invite him
yourself. He’s my boss, and it would be highly inappropriate for me to invite
him to one of your soirees.”
    “I will, then.”
    Not wanting to spar with her over Apolo anymore, I ignored the topic. I tried to find something more “middle of the
road” to discuss. It was sad, but my mother and I didn’t have a lot in common
anymore. Topics I found stimulating bored her. Things that caught her interest
were shallow to me. She was, unfortunately, quite selfish. Something I fought
hard with myself to overlook.
    It wasn’t easy, but I managed enough small talk in between
bites to survive until my phone rang.
    “So sorry, Mother. That’s work. I forgot about my afternoon
meeting. It’s very important, as I’m new to the client. I’ll let you know about Izzie and the party.”
    I was never so glad to step out of the cool restaurant and
into the warm sun.

    Chapter Four


    Apolo closed the door to his
office late one afternoon. We had just finished a long meeting with his
advertising team about how to spin a chain of malls he had recently acquired. I
had been in my new position for slightly over a month, yet my head was reeling
from the variety of ideas everyone brought to the table.
    It was refreshing to listen to such a diverse and talented
group. Not one idea had been discussed as though it wasn’t a possibility. That
was a change from the usual—when most people thought their idea, and their idea
alone, was the one that should be used. But Apolo Choice wasn’t in the habit of hiring second-class employees.
    “Good meeting, wasn’t it?” He sauntered back toward his desk
and sat down on the edge closest to me. I felt his gray eyes boring right
through my clothing. I could tell where he was headed.
    “Yes, yes, it was, I thought.” I squirmed in my chair in an
attempt to reposition myself. I couldn’t be alone in a room with him without my
body melting into lust.
    “By the way, I forgot to mention. I received a phone call
from your mother inviting me to a small party she’s having. She said she tried
to get you to invite me, but that you refused. Why? Why would you do that
Caitlyn?” He reached down with his hand and lightly rubbed his thumb against
the back of one of mine. Then, he picked it up in his larger one, continuing
his sexual prelude.
    “Because it’s her party and her responsibility to invite
guests, not mine.”
    “You won’t have a problem, then, if I told you I accepted?”
He was bent over, his face inches from mine. I could smell his cologne, his
mustiness, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off his crotch. He was hard, bulging in
his suit pants.
    “No, of course not.” I didn’t move, and I dared

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