His Callahan Bride's Baby (Callahan Cowboys)

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Book: His Callahan Bride's Baby (Callahan Cowboys) by Tina Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Leonard
perfectly nice men whom she could never kiss good-night without feeling completely guilty about Falcon, she was going to have to make a serious change in her life.
    Darn Falcon and his sexy-hot, irresistible lovemaking, anyway.

Chapter Seven
    “Dude, that was a delicious dinner,” Dante said, throwing himself onto a leather couch in the upstairs library, and looking, Falcon thought, like a man who’d thoroughly enjoyed setting fire to the two hundred bucks he’d given his brothers for dinner—with a little extra for bribery. Just to make certain to keep their focus strictly on Taylor, and not on any sweetly shaped bit of temptation that happened to bounce across their vision, which happened with Tighe and Dante. One had to factor in their lack of concentration and plan accordingly.
    “Well?” Falcon asked in a growl. His brothers and sister laughed at him, making no attempt to conceal their mirth.
    “When I told you where the big date was going to take place, I didn’t expect you to send emissaries,” Ash said. “You weenie.”
    “I’d have looked like a real weenie if I’d shown up in Tempest,” Falcon pointed out. “A real schmuck weenie with a jealous streak.”
    “Oh, that wouldn’t describe you at all,” Ash said, her expression innocent.
    “That’s right,” he said, “so I sent Howdy and Doody.”
    “That’s not nice,” Tighe said. “We kept an eye on Taylor, painful as it was.”
    “Painful?” Nothing hurt so much as his heart at the moment. Falcon was about to die of jealousy, though he’d never admit that to his gloating sibs.
    “Well, it was all the romancey-schmancey stuff,” Dante said. “The finger-licking and the cooing.”
    “Cooing?” Falcon sat up straight, knives spearing his heart. His family had no sympathy, practically rolling with laughter. He didn’t care.
    “You know.” Tighe waved a hand grandiosely. “The sweet nothings being whispered in the delicate ear. That sort of cooing.”
    “Did he have delicate ears?” Falcon demanded.
    Dante glared. “We didn’t look at date number two’s ears. Our assignment was to keep an eye on Taylor, which we did, without deviation. Dinner was fabulous, by the way. Gained ten pounds, I’m sure of it. And when we saw them splitting a dessert, we went for all the trimmings ourselves. I would drive to Tempest every day of the week just to eat that mocha chip—”
    “They shared a dessert?” Falcon jumped off the sofa, paced to the windows. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d made love to Taylor, every inch of her, every delicious curve and delightfully sensitive spot. His heart was breaking .
    “This isn’t a good idea,” Galen said, his tone worried. “Falcon, you can’t send spies to watch Taylor.”
    Falcon blinked. “I can’t?”
    “No,” Sloan said, “you have to catch her without hijinks.”
    “Like you did with Kendall?” Falcon shot back.
    “What he means,” Jace said, “is that it’s not cricket.”
    “I don’t care about crickets. Ash gave me a challenge, I tended to it in the best way I knew how. At great expense, too.” But even Falcon knew he shouldn’t have done it. He sighed to himself, feeling fairly downcast. “I shouldn’t have let you tweak me,” he told his sister.
    “I thought you’d go in person and show the poor guy up,” Ash said. “I didn’t think you’d turn into a shadow of your former self and cave to the competition.”
    “Crap,” Falcon said, drooping a bit. “I gave Jillian my word I’d leave off proposing to Taylor until the Christmas season. She could date other people and if she found something better—which is Jillian’s goal—I’d accept that.”
    “Dummy,” Ash said gently, “you weren’t supposed to let her get swept away by the something better. Instead, you sent Howdy and Doody. How does that make you look like Prince Charming?”
    “I don’t know.” Falcon got up, honestly confused. “I quit. I give up.” He was too devastated to

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