The Principles Of Lust

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Book: The Principles Of Lust by Sasha White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha White
thought. We’d been in such a rush we’d actually had sex in the car, right in front of her door!
    How bad was that?
    It’s not that I’m against sex in public places. One particular lady friend, who I was still friends with, had been very into that sort of thing. When we’d been dating, I’d done my best to accommodate her kink. At the park, in the men’s room at a nightclub, even a changing room at The Gap. The fact that she’d been a cop had made it feel slightly safer and a bit more dangerous at the same time.  
    No, it wasn’t that Mia had rocked my world in a public place. It was the fact that it had been completely unplanned. I haven’t lost control like that since…well, ever!
    “Do you want a drink, Dominick?” she asked as soon as I closed the apartment door.  
    “No, I’m good, thanks.”
    “Oh, I know you’re good. I was asking if you wanted a drink,” she said with a sassy wink that had my blood heading south again.
    Jesus. I’d just come harder than I could ever remember and already I wanted her again.  
    Trying not to look like a complete horndog, I followed her into the living room. The big stereo system she had didn’t surprise me, a woman who moved like she did probably danced naked around her apartment all the time.  
    Okay, so maybe that only happened in my dreams.  
    What did surprise me was the long wooden table set up along one wall with all sorts of tools and spools. Obviously Mia wasn’t your typical woman who needed to make every space into a dream home or something.  
    I walked over and fingered a soldering iron.  
    “What is it you do for a living, Mia?”  
    “I’m a jewelry designer.”  
    She said it with such a sense of pride that I stopped examining the tools and looked back at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glowing. “Jewelry?”
    “Yeah. I work with silver and stuff. Come see.”
    She grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and pulled me behind her. Down the short hallway and into a small bedroom. There was another worktable and then a shelf unit full of plastic containers. She pulled me over to the worktable and on the end was a plastic tree thing with bright sparkly silver earrings and stuff hanging from it.  
    Some of it was so amazingly delicate that I knew it wouldn’t have been easy to make. She looked at me expectantly and I made what I hoped were appropriate sounds of approval. “Very nice. You made these?”
    She folded her arms across her chest and raised a delicate eyebrow. “You don’t like them.”
    “No, I think they’re pretty.” I just didn’t know what the hell they were. They didn’t look like any jewelry I’d ever seen before.
    “You might have a better idea if you’d managed to actually fondle a breast while we getting busy.”
    “Me? You were the one in such a hurry you were jerking me off while I drove. You practically jumped on my dick the second I turned the car off!” My blood heated to a boiling point and my idiot of a dick was standing at full attention, loving every minute of it.  
    “Well, I’m sorry,” she snapped. “But it was your own fault. If you hadn’t gotten me so goddamn worked up in the parking lot, I would’ve had more patience.”
    “Well, you weren’t exactly Miss Demure back on that dance floor were you?” I stepped close enough to feel the heat crackle between us. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her nipples poking against her filmy little top, begging for me to touch. My hands itched with the knowledge that I still hadn’t gotten to play with those luscious little tits yet. “After watching you dance like that, I couldn’t think straight.”  
    “Can you think straight now?” As if she’d read my mind, she whipped her shirt over her head and stood there like a goddess, daring me to touch her.  
    At the end of my leash, I reached out, palmed both of her breasts, pushing her back against the wall and smashing my mouth down on hers at the same time. She met fire with

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