Love Bound in Ice: 3 (Werewolf Sentinels)

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Book: Love Bound in Ice: 3 (Werewolf Sentinels) by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
Tags: Erótica
thing I’ll be waiting for you at my house. Once we get back to the park’s parking lot, you’ll go to your place and me to mine.”
    “And talking about houses, you do realize you will no longer be able to live alone. As for working as a guide, the only way it would work is if I came with you every day.”
    Haven hadn’t thought that far ahead, and she wasn’t ready to make the kind of decisions needed for both those subjects. First she wanted to get this test over with.
    “We can figure out those things later,” she said as she closed the distance between them and put her arms around Ketah’s waist.
    “Well, I won’t go past the two-hour mark. Now that I claimed you, any werewolf will be able to tell from your scent. If the dark wolves were to get a hold of you, they could use you against me. And you still being mortal puts you in a vulnerable position.”
    Haven obviously had a lot to learn about the new life she’d entered into, but she still didn’t regret her quick decision. Looking at Ketah, knowing he was hers—really hers—gave her goose bumps. She wouldn’t ever have to worry about him cheating on her, his love for her wouldn’t be phony, and he wouldn’t ever just walk out one day and never come back. The werewolf part, she could get past. She’d have to get used to it, is all. As for her becoming one, she’d do it once she was more comfortable with the whole notion of it.
    “Fine, two hours at the most. And what are the chances of the dark wolves getting a hold of me, anyway? We’ve only known each other a couple of days, and it isn’t as if we’ve been going to a whole lot of different places together.”
    “We don’t know what their pack leader is capable of. When you’re with me, I know I can keep you safe.”
    “I promise this will be the one and only time I’ll ask you to do this.”
    Ketah brought his lips to hers and gave her a sweet and tender kiss that had her toes curling inside her hiking boots. “I understand. I don’t like it, and dread what we’re both going to have to go through, but I can see why you need to experience it.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “And this will be the only time I do this knowingly.”
    Haven stood on tiptoe and nipped his chin. “Thanks, Ketah. This means a lot that you’d do this for me.”
    He looked into her eyes. “I’ll do anything for you, my mate.” Ketah took a step back. “Now let’s walk back, taking our time, then get this over with so I can have the rest of the day with you.”
    Haven nodded, then bent to pick up the blanket. She rolled it up and tied it to her backpack. Two hours after leaving the park, she’d have all the reassurances she needed so she could start working on the new life she wanted with Ketah.

Chapter Seven
    Back at the parking lot, Haven kissed Ketah goodbye, and after telling her boss she was done for the day, she left to go home. On the drive there, she didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. She missed Ketah but it was no more than she thought was normal.
    At her place, the feeling increased, becoming a little stronger. Haven didn’t find it too intolerable. She did notice she couldn’t stop thinking about Ketah, wondering about him. Then her thoughts veered to him having come to harm, but since she’d been forewarned about it, she knew it wasn’t true.
    To distract herself, Haven went to the kitchen to see what she had in the fridge to make dinner for Ketah and herself. She didn’t find anything appealing and decided they’d either have to do takeout, go somewhere to eat or make a trip to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for her to cook.
    The need to see Ketah, to be with him again, slowly increased as the minutes passed. It had been over a half hour since she’d left him at the park, but to her it felt as if it had been months. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me , she reminded herself. I’ll see Ketah again. He’s not gone for good.
    The next half hour was even

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