Pure Temptation

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Book: Pure Temptation by Connie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Mason
    “I fear you may be right.” Spence heaved a regretful sigh. “I was counting on those grays. They’d look magnificent hitched to my coach. But she isn’t engaged yet, old boy. And if you aren’t careful, she might bag you.”
    Strangely uncomfortable with that remark, Jack released a nervous laugh. “I need to marry money, not some little Irish baggage who’s had too many lovers for my taste.”
    “You’re sure of that? Has she told you she’s had lovers? She looks so innocent.”
    “That’s what I’m counting on, Spence. I don’t want her prospective suitors questioning her innocence, or lack of it. Moira admitted she was meeting a lover the night I struck her down.”
    Spence’s disappointment was obvious. “Ah, well, so much for fantasies. I’d imagined many different scenarios, most involving our timely rescue of a damsel in distress.”
    “You’re a dreamer, Spence.” Jack’s voice held a hard edge that made his friend fondly recall the Black Jack of old. “We both knew what Moira was from the beginning and werewilling to play out our little game. We’re doing this for amusement, remember, and to rid me of an unwanted responsibility. After all, it was my carriage that ran her down.”
    He should have known Jack wouldn’t allow a woman to become important to him, Spence reflected upon hearing Jack’s remarks concerning Moira. Still, he couldn’t help thinking there was more between Jack and Moira than met the eye. The air around them vibrated with awareness when they were together. Spence could almost feel the tension between them. He thought this whole business was growing more interesting by the minute and couldn’t wait for the final outcome.
    “Are you sure you’re not attracted to Moira?” Spence wanted to know.
    “I’m a man, Spence. Does that answer your question? What man wouldn’t be? But I’m not about to lose my head over her.”
    Jack’s answer seemed to satisfy Spence. “When do you think Moira will be ready to enter into society?”
    “By the time the cast is removed from her arm, she should be groomed and ready to meet the ton. I think the Griswald rout will be a perfect time to bring her out. I received my invitation just yesterday.”
    “Have you proposed to Lady Victoria yet?”
    Jack shifted uneasily, recalling the countless excuses he’d given Victoria lately to explain his inattention. She hadn’t been happy about it, especially after he failed to show up at her house after the Whitcomb rout. In fact, Jack found himself avoiding her whenever possible.
    “Not yet, but soon. I’m aiming for a spring wedding.”
    “Invite me to the ceremony,” Spence said. “Well, I must be off. Will I see you tonight at White’s?”
    “Perhaps,” Jack said noncommittally. He wasn’t going to admit to Spence that gaming no longer held the same appeal for him it previously had. Nor did drinking to excess.Lady Amelia’s appearance had turned his life awry, and he hoped she was happy.
    Two weeks later, the cast was removed from Moira’s arm. She flexed it gingerly and smiled at the doctor when no pain resulted.
    “Good as new,” the doctor said, beaming. “I wouldn’t lift anything heavy for a while, though I doubt Sir Jack would allow it. I understand you’re his ward.”
    Moira could tell by the doctor’s tone of voice that he didn’t believe the story they had concocted. “Aye. We’re distantly related.”
    “Of course,” the doctor said without conviction. “Well, young lady, the best of luck to you. I hope you’ll have no further need of my services.”
    “Kind of mouthy, ain’t he?” Jilly said once the doctor left. “He was hinting at something improper. Why, from what I’ve seen, Sir Jack has been nothing but a gentleman.”
    “Thank you, Jilly, but I fear you don’t know me very well. Few people would call me a gentleman.”
    Moira’s eyes widened when she saw Jack filling the doorway, looking magnificent in tight gray trousers and a

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