truly feel this is the way of God. I believe in submitting to my husband as if he is the Lord himself. I believe that he is to love his wife as Jesus loved his followers, and because of that, I will follow his lead as I would follow my Lord.”
Coley sat speechless. Never before considering herself Christian, it was truly moving hearing and watching someone speak with such conviction.
“So, for me, it was easy to submit to my husband. I believed in the idea from a spiritual side.”
Coley looked down at her glass. “I’m not… uh… I’m not Christian.”
Vance’s mother smiled. “I know that, dear. Neither is my son. I do hope to change that someday, but I understand that you kids today feel the need to challenge all beliefs and ideas. I do have to say, however, that I’m so impressed that you both have embraced such a traditional and old-fashioned belief.” She winked and took a large swig of her drink. “There may be some hope for you both.” She giggled with a slight snort as Coley joined in.
She got up and grabbed the gin and added more to each of the glasses. Coley looked at the boisterous and now intoxicated woman in front of her and laughed. “Oh, you are going to get us in trouble!”
She laughed out loud with another snort. “I know!”
Coley took another drink of her gin with very little tonic. “So, does your husband still spank you?” Coley asked a question she would have never done without the liquid courage.
“Oh yes. Not as much as he used to at the beginning of our relationship. But from time to time I still find myself over his knee.” She giggled.
“Why not as much as in the beginning?”
“Well, my dear. In the beginning you both are spending a lot of time pushing boundaries and setting them. I pushed, he had to push back. I’m sure that you are finding this with Vance. For example, I have no doubt that you didn’t accidently leave your computer at home. Am I right?”
Coley blushed. “Well, not exactly. I may have done it on purpose.”
“I understand. You still feel the need to test him. You need to see what you can get away with, and if he is truly man enough to stand by his word. You are testing him to see if he truly is strong enough to handle you. All of which is normal.”
“I guess that’s true. I just feel the need sometimes to see how far I can go. Does that make sense?” Coley admitted, feeling a sense of relief getting to discuss this with someone so much wiser.
“It makes complete sense. This is why I got spanked so much earlier on in my own relationship. After time, I no longer feel the need to push. He no longer feels the need to show me who the boss is. We created a rhythm and routine that made our love and our family flow harmoniously.”
“Do you ever get mad? Like it just isn’t fair that he always gets to be right?” Coley decided to lay out all her issues. Talking to Vance’s mom really did feel good.
“Oh yes! There has been many a spanking that I went into it angry and it ended with me still just as angry. I have been spanked when I haven’t agreed with the reason or agreed that I even deserved one. But at the end of the day, it is his responsibility to decide when and why a punishment happens. That is the time it’s the hardest to truly submit to your husband.” She reached out and grabbed both of Coley’s hands. “And you’re right. It isn’t always fair. It isn’t always fair for the man either. He has the burden and the responsibility to be right and just. He has to lead. He has to be in charge. He has the ultimate responsibility to protect and love. He doesn’t get to have an ‘off’ day and just take a spanking to get back in line. He has to always be on the top of his game. He ultimately has to answer to God.”
Coley had never really thought of it like that. She had never really given thought that Vance had to always be level headed, calm, loving and in control. He didn’t get the luxury of being a brat just because