It Really IS a Wonderful Life: The Snowflake Falls but Hearts in Love Keep a Home Warm All Year Long
weather as Emma’s sirens softened to mere sobs. When the steaks arrived, she let out a mischievous giggle. “Grandma Perkins said that steaks are good for black eyes.” Before Dorie could stop Emma, she reached across the table, grabbed Gabe’s sizzling hunk of meat and used it as an eye patch, screeching as the hot grease dripped down her face.
    “Emma!” Dorie snatched the steak and threw it onto Emma’s plate. “Let me look at you, sweetie.” Greasy, but probably not burnt.
    “I’m sorry, Gabe. I thought the kids could handle this. Obviously, they’re not used to eating out, let alone in a nice place like this. I’m afraid they’ve ruined your evening along with your delicious steak.”
    Gabe took his rib eye from Emma’s plate and slopped it onto his own plate. He stabbed his meat as if in defiance of the moment, sliced off a piece European style, and chomped. Don’t worry about it. Extra flavoring. He took another bite as if adding a period to his proclamation.”
    Dorie rubbed the juice off Emma’s cheek with a clean napkin. “I don’t think it burned her.”
    “To make sure, better take her to the bathroom and rinse her eye.”
    Dorie took Emma’s hand. “Josh, you stay here with Dr. Wellington while I take care of Emma.”
    “I don’t want to.”
    Gabe slapped his napkin on the table. “Look, mister. Mind your mother. Now stuff your mouth with your dinner instead of using it for backtalk.”
    Dorie hesitated. Should she leave Josh alone with Gabe? Josh gulped his food and seemed unscathed. When she returned with Emma, Josh had finished most of his dinner and sat rigidly against the back of the chair. Dorie eyed both Josh and Gabe. “Any more trouble?”
    Gabe looked in Josh’s direction. “Nope. We’ve come to an understanding.”
    Sass and tears faded as Gabe’s tone lightened. He told jokes and sang silly songs, a minstrel on his stage. They laughed and giggled their way through the remaining meal, even enjoying Black Forest cake for dessert.
    Both Emma and Josh had fallen asleep by the time Dorie pulled into her driveway. Gabe hopped out before Dorie slipped the transmission into park. “Need help getting the kids in?”
    “No. You’re welcome to come in while I’m putting them to bed.”
    “I should get going. I have to do a colostomy reversal first thing in the morning.”
    “I understand.” She didn’t, though, since there was still a lot of evening left.
    Gabe headed toward his Volvo. “See you at rehearsal tomorrow night.”
    Dorie roused Josh out of his stupor and pointed him toward the house. Then she put Emma on her shoulder and closed the car doors. “Goodnight, Gabe. Thanks for dinner.”
    “My pleasure.”
    With that, the date ended.
    Gabe got into his car and drove off without even an attempt at a goodnight kiss. Once inside, Dorie pulled off Emma’s coat, carried her upstairs behind the plodding Josh, and tucked her into bed. By the time she made it to Josh’s room, he’d already gone back to sleep. She covered him up, brushing a quick kiss on his cheek.
    Downstairs Dorie opened a pint of double-chocolate-brownie ice cream from the freezer, grabbed a Cinderella soup spoon out of the silverware drawer, and dug in. So what if the handsome Dr. Wellington didn’t think Dorie Fitzgerald worthy of a third date. So what if her first post-Devon romantic episode ended before it started. Double-chocolate-brownie ice cream never failed to lessen a disappointment.
    Like Scarlet O’Hara, she shrugged it off. “After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Chapter Eleven
    Jamey’s sixth sense told him something was very wrong. Neither Gabe nor Dorie had shown for Monday’s rehearsal yet. Odd that they’d both be late.
    He approached Danny Riley. “Any word from our missing cast members?”
    Danny raised his brows. “You two men need to settle this outside of practice. Theatre romances are common, but I’d rather not deal with a love triangle.”
    “Curious is

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