The Invitation-kindle

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Book: The Invitation-kindle by Michael McKinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael McKinney
could affect the lives of millions, he is humbled by the awesome power, and responsibility of the office he holds. Part of him wonders what more he can do for the welfare of the American people, and the world community in general. The gnawing sense that he can never do enough lingers constantly in the background of his thoughts. He knows his limitations. At the same time there seems to be something that always wells up from some mysterious source within his being, leading him unfailingly through every crises, or challenge he meets, an inchoate sense of something beyond himself pulling him forward, and he has learned long ago to trust it. He believes it has led him to where he is now. He senses something momentous is coming, something he will be an intimate part of, a culmination of all that has come before, something astonishing, and his life will be the instrument of its realization.
    Hours later, and, hundreds of miles to the south, in a small town in north central Florida, morning rouses its inhabitants to another day. One of them is Ron Cushman. Mr. Cushman is retired, and lives a quiet life with his wife Doris. His working life was spent in the realm of politics, serving as a Democratic state representative for twelve years. His skills for consensus building and intelligent compromise were widely acknowledged during his tenure in the Florida legislature. When Ken Myers was elected governor of Florida twelve years ago, Ron Cushman was quickly asked to serve as his Chief of Staff. Holding that post for the entire eight years of Ken Myers’ governorship, he worked closely with Myers, and was a prominent member of the governor’s staff. When Ken Myers moved from the governor’s mansion in Florida to the White House in Washington, Ron Cushman was asked to come along. Instead he chose to retire, moving back to the small town of his childhood, and the quiet life he shares with his wife.
    Today he is expecting a visitor. Mr. Cushman received a phone call last night from FBI agent Tim Colby. Mr. Colby is keen to ask Ron Cushman in person about something that Mr. Cushman mentioned in that phone conversation, having to do with a trip to China that Ken Myers made six years ago when he was governor of Florida. Mr. Colby heard something in that phone conversation that he wants to know more about, that being the fact that Ken Myers may have visited a medical facility while in Beijing.
    Keeping Mr. Cushman in the dark about his questions regarding what Ken Myers did in China, Agent Colby has told Ron Cushman that the FBI is gathering information to build a case against China for trade violations, and intellectual property theft, an ostensible reason that Mr. Cushman has no reason to suspect. As Mr. Cushman, and his wife are finishing their breakfast, Agent Colby’s flight has already left Washington, and is well on its way to Florida.
    Meanwhile, back in Washington, Senator Jack Fields is just arriving at FBI headquarters to be given the strange information about the President. The conservative senator from Oklahoma, generally known as a stalwart opponent of Ken Myers, will shortly be joined by Senator Walter Merrick of Maryland, an ardent supporter of the President. In an attempt to be scrupulously impartial, FBI Director Slaughter has chosen two Senators from opposite ends of the political spectrum, requesting that they come in, and be briefed on what the Director described as a “matter of national importance.” First to arrive is Senator Fields, who is quickly ushered in, and seated by Director Slaughter.
    “Senator Fields, thank you for coming in. Please sit down. Senator I have something very sensitive that I feel compelled to share with members of the senate. To keep things bicameral, I’ve asked one other senator to come in this morning.”
    “Who’s that?”
    “Senator Merrick. He should be here any minute. If you’ll bear with me, I like to wait until he gets here”
    “Well, I’m not in the habit of waiting on

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