Silk Scarves and Seduction

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Book: Silk Scarves and Seduction by Shiloh Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shiloh Walker
headed for the smoldering garage where he had parked his car.
    If he hurried, he could get to his office and close the door, catch a quick thirty-minute nap before they started patients.
    He was burning the midnight oil with Blush, but damned if he’d stop before he had branded himself on her.
    Fearing to quit this early in the game, he was going out there every damn night that he could, and he’d keep at it, for as long as he had to.
    Once he hit the exit ramp, he scrubbed his face with one hand, wondering if he could convince her to come to his house tonight. He could catch a nap while he waited. Heaven knew he needed one…and he could see if she was taking any of this even half as seriously as he was.
    Hell, they hadn’t even had a single date.
    “How can you be talking serious?” he muttered as he went in through the employee entrance, walking up the hall.
    Maybe they should go see a movie, or a play, catch dinner this weekend. And then he could start talking serious.
    The sound of voices echoed quietly down the hall and he stilled.
    “It’s sex, Tessa. Okay? Believe it or not, I like sex and it’s been a damned long time since I’ve had it. He’s good at it, too. Aren’t I entitled to enjoy it?”
    Blush. His heart started to ache.
    Tessa laughed and said, “Don’t tell me that, Valery. I’ve seen you looking at him.”
    “Have you looked at him? He’s fucking gorgeous. Who in the hell wouldn’t want to fuck him?”
    “Are you listening to yourself?” Tessa demanded. “Can you hear yourself? Damn it, pay attention to who you’re talking to. This is me. I know you better than that.”
    Silence, and then Blush’s soft sigh. “Look, Tessa. Not everybody can be lucky enough to have what you have.”
    “You’re too scared to try,” Tessa said softly.
    Marc stepped forward. His heart felt too fucking broken to care what Blush’s response was to Tessa’s challenge would be. Shit. So she hadn’t had a good fuck in a while. That’s what this was about. “So, you needed to get laid, Blush?” he asked coldly, tucking his hands into his pockets.
    Soft female gasps, and two pairs of eyes flew his way. Blush’s cheeks burned bright crimson and then she paled, her mouth opening and closing, soundlessly. Her eyes were dark, almost black in her lovely face. Looking at her was like a dagger in his heart. Turning his eyes to Tessa, he swallowed, tried to think of something to say. There was simply nothing.
    He had gambled.
    He had lost.
    “Don’t,” he said quietly, his voice low and husky, but full of rage, all the same.
    Lifting his head, he let her see all the pain and anger he was feeling before he whispered again, “Don’t, Blush. Just don’t.”
    Then he turned around and walked away.
    She had never felt so shaken in her entire life.
    “Well, I can say you royally fucked that up,” Tessa said with mock cheerfulness. She looked torn between sympathy and anger, her eyes glittering as she listened to the door slam down the hall.
    “I’m going to go talk to him,” Valery said, her voice soft, her chest tight.
    “I don’t think that’s a good idea, not just yet.” Tessa moved to the waiting room door and closed it, turning to lean her back against it. “Marc’s been in love with you since high school. Do you know that?”
    Valery said harshly, “Don’t do that. Don’t say that.”
    “Why the hell not? It’s true.”
    “How in the hell do you know?” Valery demanded, her eyes stinging with tears. It can’t be true. Damn it, it can’t. But something about the way he had looked at her…
    Tessa smiled, a sad little smile. “Know who I’m married to, don’t you? You know Caleb is one of Marc’s best friends. Caleb doesn’t say much, but he sure as hell knows how to listen.” Tessa sighed, turning around and pushing her hands through her hair. She stared at the wall, her arms folded around her. “I had my suspicions for a while, but you never wanted to talk about

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