Tim Connor Hits Trouble

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Book: Tim Connor Hits Trouble by Frank Lankaster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Lankaster
that sixth formers had previously been allowed to visit without a ‘chaperone.’ By the time she was in her final year she had passed well beyond the influence of the nuns. When she was discovered in bed with another girl in what the nuns coyly described as ‘suspicious circumstances’ she was asked to leave, but with the concession that she could return to sit her ‘A’ levels the following summer. Her results were exceptionally good.
    Deliberately choosing not to go to a traditional university Erica opted to apply for and got accepted at Oxford’s modern university of Oxford Brookes. It proved the betterchoice. She graduated with a first and followed it up with an M.Phil at the same institution. After that she took a year out to travel and write. On the strength of a couple of pieces in national newspapers on gender relations in pre-modern cultures and one well received academic article, Rachel invited her to apply for a job at Wash. Erica was already aware of the emerging feminist group there and this was a major reason in persuading her to apply. The job was formally advertised but the process was essentially a headhunting exercise and she was duly appointed.
    As Erica and Tim talked, an undercurrent of mutual attraction began to develop. At least Tim felt it was mutual and in matters of sex and love he usually trusted his feelings despite recent discouraging outcomes. As they concluded their conversation, Erica gave a hint that her interest in him might extend beyond his literary achievements.
    ‘You must come round to dinner sometime after you’ve settled in. Maybe I’ll invite one or two other colleagues as well.’ She gave an arch smile. ‘But maybe not.’
    Tim wasn’t quite clear whether ‘maybe not’ referred to his invitation or to the colleagues’. He preferred to go with the second interpretation.
    They said goodbye outside Waterstones. His inhibitions lowered by alcohol, Tim felt an urge for physical contact. He could risk no more than a handshake. To his surprise Erica took his outstretched hand, raised it to her lilac lips and slowly and he thought sensuously kissed it twice. The roots of his hair pricked up in unison with his reactivated John Thomas.
    ‘Thanks,’ he gasped. ‘I mean goodbye, see you soon.’
    ‘Bye Timothy,’ he had never heard the three syllables of his name pronounced with such erotic suggestion.’
Could she be taking the piss?
    Tim gazed after her as she walked quickly away, her athletic legs and muscular behind, utterly magnificent.
Just shows that first impressions can be misleading. I’m beginning to enjoy this place, and the job hasn’t even started yet

Chapter 5
The Beginning of Term Party
    Aisha took a taxi onto campus for the beginning of term staff party. The idea behind the occasion was for staff to meet up in an informal setting before work took over. Well before the cab reached the university gates she heard snatches of guitar music and youthful singing. This was unlikely to be her new colleagues. She guessed that some kind of student event was also taking place. As the taxi drew up outside the main building she felt a shiver of excitement very different from the hyper-anxiety of her interview. She wanted to belong here and was eager for things to begin. The journey cost the thick end of ten pounds. Aisha handed the driver a note waving aside his feeble fumbles in search of change. Pleased, the driver decided to be helpful.
    ‘I think the student do is in the Union – that’s the big building over there, Miss. You’re a bit early though.’ He pointed to a square concrete and glass structure some fifty yards behind the main administrative centre.
    ‘Many thanks.’ Aisha was flattered to be mistaken fora student. She checked her watch. It was almost an hour to eight o’ clock when the party was due to begin. In her eagerness to be on time she risked being amongst the first to arrive and perhaps not knowing anybody. She could hear the music more

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