Mr. Wham Bam

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Book: Mr. Wham Bam by Alexandra O'Hurley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley
pleasure rolled from the nerves there. One hand moved to her pussy, smearing her juices down to her anus. He moved back, spreading the juices around with his fingers, before gently pushing one thick digit into her.
    “Relax, Kensington. It’ll feel good if you let it.”
    She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the tight bites of pain as his finger eased up through the ring. Once he passed it, she sighed, the pleasure instant. He slowly slid the finger around as his mouth clamped back down on her clit, relaxing her more with the pleasure he brought. Another finger was gradually added to her rear, and she held her breath, waiting for a stab of pain. None came, and she eased, allowing the ebb and flow of his fingers to stoke the fire he’d been so clever at building.
    Pulling from her, he removed his fingers, and she sighed, unsettled by how much she missed the touch. He was back soon enough, the wide brim of his cock pressing forward into the same spot. The threads of pain made her teeth gnash together as she also rode the wave of pleasure the same sensation made swell through her. Jace was slow, moving his cock into her inch by inch, pausing between each to let her grow accustomed. Sliding the last few inches in, she felt a fullness like no other.
    Jace hovered over her, moving her ankles to his shoulders and dropping little kisses along the inside of both as she grew comfortable with having his cock in her ass. The pain had been bearable because he had known what to do, how to make it feel good for her. Desire speared through her as she thought of how capable he was of making her want more and more, how capable he was of pushing her past her limits and making her face what it was she wanted.
    Right now, she wanted him to move. She wanted him to take her higher than any other man had. Rolling her hips, she brought precious more of him inside her, urging him to thrust inside her. He remained still, other than to push forward and grab a damp towel he’d brought to the bedside table just before he’d joined her. As he wiped his fingers clean, she realized this act had been premeditated. He’d gotten exactly what he’d wanted, and she was glad for it.
    “You’re okay?” he whispered along her leg, his lips leaving a heat path over her skin.
    She nodded, rolling her hips again, a demand for him to move.
    A short, tentative thrust made her moan aloud. Jace set up a leisurely tempo, and that alone was enough for her to see stars, the pleasure so overwhelming. Her clit throbbed again, the newfound pleasure streaking through her and bringing her back to the point where they’d been moments before. Once his fingers began to spread along her clit, the dual sensation was too much. Another orgasm ravaged through her, stronger than the first two, combined.
    Kissing the inside of her calf, he smiled. “Three’s a good number.”
    Body pivoting faster, he gripped her hips with both hands, sliding smoothly into her rear as he pulled her closer. She felt a swelling sensation moments before he yelled out, a groan of pleasure coming from between his lips. White-hot heat flooded her backside as she felt his cum fill the condom he wore.
    Frozen in place, Kenzie watched while he gained control of his breathing as he dropped little kisses over the one leg left hanging from his shoulder. He carefully pulled from her, rose from the bed, and walked to the bathroom to discard the condom.
    He once again left her in the manacles, but this time, she didn’t fight it. She was a bit perturbed, but he would come back to her and release her. And then he would pull her into his arms and hold her.
    She gazed at him as he rested on the same doorframe as before, one sexy eyebrow raised. “No attempts to escape this time?”
    “Nope. I’m exactly where I want to be.”
    He smiled as he walked over to her. Kneeling between her thighs, he brought a warm cloth to her pussy, wiping her thoroughly. The soft caress felt wonderful, loving. Kenzie sighed

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