The Homecoming

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Book: The Homecoming by Dan Walsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Walsh
Tags: FIC042040, FIC027050
said. “Now there’s an impressive place. Not as fancy as Union Station, but way bigger. Here’s the car, sir.” He opened the back door for Shawn.
    Shawn threw on his overcoat. Before getting in, he stood a moment and surveyed the scene. First the car, the longest car he’d ever seen, had to be a staff car for generals and top brass. Straight ahead, a few blocks away through some empty trees, something else caught his eye. “Is that the—”
    “Capitol Building? Yep, sure is, sir. Our first stop.”
    Corporal Miller had driven Shawn slowly around the Capitol, then past the Supreme Court Building. They were now riding down Constitution Avenue, headed toward the White House. It amazed him to see all these historic buildings, things he’d only seen before in newspapers or black-and-white newsreels. And Miller could have been a tour guide, filling the empty spaces with all kinds of facts and trivia. Shawn was glad for the distraction.
    Every few moments he couldn’t help but look up at the top of the Washington monument, which he could see at any angle. The city seemed to boil over with people and traffic, much busier than downtown Philly. “Is it like this every day?” Shawn asked, looking out the window as a hundred people hustled across the intersection.
    “Pretty much,” said Miller. “I came here in ’42. Three times as many people here now than then, and it just keeps growing. About a block up here on the left, you’ll see one of the nastier side effects. See those rows of boxy two-story buildings lining the Mall area? Don’t think the founding fathers had those in mind.”
    “I don’t see any granite steps,” Shawn said.
    Miller laughed. “Exactly, sir. It’s temporary housing they threw up in a hurry for all the thousands of workers they brought in to support the war. Ugly as sin, you ask me. The president promised they’ll all come down after the war.”
    Shawn stared at a string of white sheets and towels blowing on a clothesline as they drove slowly past the apartments. The whole scene seemed so out of place.
    “If you look to your right, Captain, just up ahead you’ll see the White House.” He looked in his rearview mirror. “I’m going to slow down. It’s set back a ways, but I like the view back here on Constitution Avenue. I’ll drive around the whole thing, nice and slow. On the other side, we’ll get real close.”
    As they drove past, Shawn noticed two anti-aircraft gun emplacements, one on each corner, manned by three soldiers apiece in full battle gear. Their guns pointed to the sky. Shawn had seen several others at the Capitol Building. “Had many German bomber attacks, Corporal?”
    Miller laughed. “No, sir. Not since I been here. Kind of crazy, isn’t it. Think by now, we’d let it go. I know a few guys on that duty. Bored out of their minds.”
    As Shawn gazed at the manicured lawn and shrubs leading up to the majestic steps and pillars of the White House, he thought about how different Washington was from London. There, surrounding all the historical and architectural landmarks, were dozens of bombed-out buildings and rubble strewn all about. Once, while Shawn was on leave, a wave of German bombers had flown over the city, sending everyone fleeing to underground bunkers and the subway tubes. As the bombs fell and exploded, Shawn could hear the anti-aircraft gunners firing right back. “The gunners in London are never bored,” he said.
    “Yes, sir.”
    Shawn was still not totally used to the idea that he was no longer in mortal danger. After they drove around the White House, they headed over to the Lincoln Memorial. Miller suggested they park and get out. “Gotta see this one up close, sir.”
    Shawn was glad they did. He took his time as he read the Gettysburg Address etched in the granite wall. Then he walked to the edge of the steps and looked out toward the Washington Monument and, beyond it, the Capitol. Elizabeth would have loved this, he thought. She would

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