Outcast (The Blue Dragon's Geas)

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Book: Outcast (The Blue Dragon's Geas) by Cheryl Matthynssens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Matthynssens
after such a long extended silence. Luthian reached into his desk as he placed his feet once more upon the floor. He tossed the man a small bloodstone.
    Veaneth caught it deftly. It did not matter what power the stone held or if it would just bring a strengthening of his own limited skills. If he ever wanted to be more than the minister’s boot licker, he had to have power. “Thank you Minister. I am but a servant to your pleasure."  Veneto’s platitudes were bordering on the whining of a child.
    “See yourself out. My dinner waits."  His lack of patience clear, Luthian rose gracefully and without a second glance left the room.
    Veaneth watched him go, his face going hard. He knew that the minister would kill him as soon as look at him. Such was the way of the tiers, but he also knew that the project was frowned on by many of the council. As such, Luthian needed him and his silence. He turned on his heel, no longer the groveling servant and strode from the room. Outside of Luthian’s presence he was treated well, for everyone knew that for some reason Veaneth held favor.
    Luthian returned to his well laid dinner. His meal was, as he expected, warm and waiting. Four woman stood in attendance about the table. As soon as he was seated, one moved to him and cleaned each of his hands with a warm wet towel. Her eyes never touching the man’s face. Her beauty was enhanced by the scant robe that hid little of her breasts from his gaze. Luthian, however, did not even seem to notice. Lost in his thoughts of power and conquest, such beauty at his beck and call was his expectation. As soon as he was washed, the women moved soundless about Luthian to serve him and to insure his plate and glass were kept full.
    Luthian did not speak during his dinners alone. He used this time to consider the events of the day and how they fit into his overall plans. He was irritated that his meal had been interrupted yet again by news that the bloodstone trader had arrivd. He has sent news the man could await his pleasure.  He finished his dinner lost in his thoughts and plans.
    As his plate was being removed, a young woman, new to his service, bumped his arm as he sipped his wine. His wine splashed slightly upon his robes, and his surprise brought his eyes upon the girl. She stood before him trembling. Her young body was tense as she stood unspeaking before the minister. No one moved as they waited to see what this sacrilege would bring to the woman who stood before Luthian.
    “You made me spill my drink."  He commented quietly, his voice was as liquid as the silk he wore.
    “Yes Master, I am so sorry. I did not mean to touch your arm."  The girl’s voice was barely audible. She was biting her lip as she stared at the floor.
    Luthian tipped her face up to look at him. His cold white fingers were in stark contrast to her warm rich skin. He realized her eyes were like emeralds, and he liked the fear that shimmered in their depths. “You are new?"  He was forced to ask as he often did not pay attention to those that attended his meals. However, now that she had gained his attention, he found her features pleasing and as his eyes roved over her body, a stirring of interest.
    “Yes Master."  She whispered. Her voice warbled in tone as she cast about to the other women as if seeking help.
    Luthian could feel her terror growing as he held her chin to force her face to gaze once more upon his own. Even so, her eyes did not quite meet his. “You know that to spill upon the Minister is unforgivable in service?"  His soft question was deadly.
    “Y-yes Master."  The girl’s eyes filled with tears.
    He smiled almost feeding on the terror that was palpable beneath his fingers. “What is your name?"  He asked slowly setting down his wine glass. While fear was not new to his experiences with women, it was clear that this woman did not know quite what it was she had to fear. The unknown was such an exquisite fear to behold.
    “Keelee."  She

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