Sugar Rush

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Book: Sugar Rush by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
between my legs. He’s so goddamn good at it he can make me come almost instantly.
    But right now, he teases all around my money spot with soft kisses and licks to my bare mound. His fingers press all around my pussy but don’t slip inside. He tortures me until my hips are thrusting upward in a desperate need for more contact.
    And finally…finally he gives me what I need. Thumbs peeling me apart and a swirl of his tongue in a figure-eight pattern over my clit.
    “Yes,” I groan, my back arching up off the bed.
    Beck’s entire mouth closes over me and he groans in delight when he sticks his tongue inside me as deep as he can get it, lashing it side to side within me. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I’m on the verge of splintering.
    “Sela,” Beck says softly, and I lift my head to put hazy eyes on him.
    He stares up my body at me intently. “You see this?”
    Beck dips his head and strokes his tongue up my center. Pulling it back into his mouth, he licks his lips in an exaggerated fashion.
    “This right here,” he says, giving me another lick and then staring back up at me. “This is mine. There is nothing down here but you and me. Sela’s pussy and my mouth, and that’s the only thing here. Doesn’t matter what happened in the past. That’s done and it’s gone. Completely gone. Just your beautiful pussy and my mouth, and well…eventually my cock, but that’s all there is here. All there ever will be. I don’t see anything in front of me other than a stunning woman who’s body belongs solely to me, and when I look upon it, I know without a doubt it was created for me. Nothing before me matters, you understand that?”
    I blink my eyes hard to fight back the tears that want to well up. His words are coarse and beautiful, sexy and sweet. Only a man such as the one between my legs right now could talk about cock and pussy and make it almost sound like he’s saying he loves me. My heart thumps in adoration.
    “Tell me you understand so I can make you come and then fuck you hard,” he says with a grin.
    “I understand,” I tell him with a tender smile.
    His eyes soften and he mumbles, “My pussy,” before he descends back on me again.
    My orgasm comes quick and hits me hard, and it’s a product more of his words than of his touch, but I revel in it all the same.
    “That’s it,” Beck whispers as he presses kisses on my stomach while he crawls back up my body. He’s in control and fluidly raises one of my legs with a hand to the back of my knee, presses his cock right to my entrance, and surges up and into me.
    “Ooohhhh,” I moan over the thick invasion deep inside of me.
    “Christ, that feels good,” Beck says with his mouth pressed into my neck.
    His hips move, his cock slides back, almost to the tip. Beck lifts his face and stares at me before surging in again. He bottoms out inside me hard and grunts out his pleasure from the feeling.
    Back out again, slow…measured…deliberate.
    Eyes connected to me.
    Back into me again.
    His actions are leisurely, his gaze is tender, and his cock is dominating.
    It’s exactly what I needed to assure me that Beck doesn’t see me as a victim. His mouth between my legs and his declaration of possession was what I needed for Beck to assure me I was still as beautiful to him as ever, despite the perverted things done to my body ten years ago.
    Beck continues to pull out slowly, ram back into me with bruising reclamation. His pace picks up only slightly, but his fucking of me is deliberately possessive. His actions speak to me loudly, and as he pushes me closer and closer to another orgasm, I feel my heart becoming more and more enslaved to him.
    We’ll work this out…whatever needs to be done about JT.
    But that’s a side issue right now.
    What’s more important is what we have between us, and I vow that’s where I’m going to put my attention from this moment forward.

I lean my elbow on the kitchen island counter, the fingers on

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