Texas Temptation

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Book: Texas Temptation by Bárbara McCauley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bárbara McCauley
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance
instead of the can of soda her fingers were tightly wrapped around.
    Myrna gestured with her nearly empty wineglass. “So what does everyone think about Annie working for Jared?”
    â€œAnnie doesn’t work for me.” Jared moved beside Annie. “She already explained that to you.”
    â€œWell, not technically, but—”
    â€œWe think it’s wonderful.” A hard glint shone in Jake’s eyes as he cut his stepmother off. “Why wouldn’t we?”
    â€œAnnie is brilliant,” Jessica chimed in. “Jared is lucky to have her working with him.”
    They were all protecting her, Annie realized. It didn’t matter that all that time had passed. They still treated her now as they had then—as a member of the family. A warmth that even Myrna couldn’t destroy spread through her.
    â€œWell,” Myrna said, lifting her chin, “I certainly never meant to imply that it wasn’t a good thing. I just don’t understand why Jared wants to risk everything for this project. Especially after I’ve offered him such a generous amount for the land. Daddy says—”
    â€œWhat do I say, Myrna?”
    Annie glanced at the silver-haired distinguished-looking man who had moved beside Myrna. His intense brown eyes settled on Annie and he smiled broadly.
    â€œYou must be Annie,” he said and offered a hand. “I’m Myrna’s father, Carlton Hewitt.”
    Annie took his hand. It was cool to the touch, and she felt a strength that surprised her for a man his age. “How do you do.”
    â€œI was just saying that Jared would be better off selling the land now,” Myrna went on. “Everyone knows that oil drilling is risky. Hardly a sound investment.”
    â€œAnd I suppose that building a six-thousand-square-foot mansion in the middle of nowhere is your idea of a sound investment,” Jared said tightly.
    â€œIt was, until J.T. left me with no land,” she complained. “And if you—”
    â€œLeave the boy be,” Carlton said good-naturedly to his daughter. “A man has to do what he has to do. And Annie here must have thought the project a good one, or she wouldn’t have allowed her company to back it. Would you, Annie?”
    Annie felt an uneasiness as Carlton looked at her. “It’s a viable project, Mr. Hewitt. The figures are extremely promising.”
    Carlton smiled. “Well, then, Jared, all my best to you. And as much as my daughter wants this, I’m afraid she’ll just have to find herself land somewhere else.”
    â€œI don’t want land somewhere else.” Myrna pouted. “I have a beautiful home I love and I have no intention of leaving. Jake and Jared won’t even part with a few hundred acres. Not to mention Jessica. I’ve offered her a fair sum for her parcel, and she insists on converting that old town into a children’s camp, for heaven’s sake. It’s simply not safe for a young woman to move out there by herself with all those construction workers.”
    Two sets of deep blue male eyes turned toward Jessica.
    â€œWhat’s she talking about?” both Jake and Jared said at the same time.
    Savannah took Emma’s hand. “Time to go check on the ice cream,” she said, slipping away.
    Jessica’s eyes narrowed with irritation as she stared at Myrna. “And how did you come across that information?”
    â€œYour landlady, Mrs. Wimple, told me that you’d given one months’ notice, and Mr. Barret at the building department mentioned you’d applied for a permit. Oh, dear.” Myrna’s expression of concern was almost comical. “Was this a secret, dear?”
    â€œGod forbid there’d be a secret in this town,” Jessica muttered, then turned to smile weakly at her brothers. They scowled fiercely. “I was going to tell you,” she insisted.
    Annie watched as the three of them began

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