Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

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Book: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) by Aimee-Louise Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster
thank you once again."
I strolled towards our motorcycles in silence, "What?"
I turned to Recon, "What?" I shrugged with a smile on my face.
"You want to say something I know you do."
"Clubhouse, come to the clubhouse and ask for Recon." I air quoted
taking the piss.
He sniggered, "Well did you see her? A good looking bird in leather and
can ride."
"Yeah a sports bike," I sniggered.
"Look if a girl can ride a girl can ride, you know what I'm saying?"
he gyrated his hips mimicking a sex act. I shook my head, sometimes I'm sure that
blokes' brains were in his pants.
"Come on stop fucking about and let's get back to the clubhouse. I have a
feeling they'll be waiting for that." I referred to the cut that Recon was
folding and stuffing inside his cut.
He smiled, "I think we're in for a fun evening."
    I let Recon enter the clubhouse first, he loved the drama
and I was happy for him to tell the story of how we got the probate's colours.
That would be a lesson learned very quickly for that poor lad and I wouldn't
want to be in his shoes when he returned without it. The code was that you
didn't give your colours to anyone not even for your old lady to hold, as they
were sacred to you. Now I know that I would fight with every breath to keep
mine so for a probate as the Skulls called their prospects to just hand it
over, he'd most certainly get a kicking if not worse if they wanted to make an
example of him.
    "Good evening lads," Recon held up the cut and
threw it on top of the bar.
Duke walked over to us, "What was he thinking?"
"I don't know but it was as if he didn't know."
Duke frowned, "Really?"
"Yeah, look I may be talking completely out of turn but I think this was a
"What do you mean?" Diesel had now pulled up a stool and sat at the
"We tell our prospects about territories and where you can and can't wear
your colours. I just don't believe the Skulls wouldn't have told him. He'd been
probating for the club for four months."
Duke grasped his chin and rubbed it thoughtfully, "What they going to gain
by doing it? I just don't understand talk to me, what are you thinking Woods?"
"Despite all what's gone on and how friendly Flex pretends to be, I just
don't trust him Duke. You know you had a feeling regarding Rev, well I have
that feeling regarding Flex."
"But we've had him and the club under surveillance for a long time now and
nothing has come up that would concern me."
"I'm not saying there should be, I'm just saying that I don't trust
"Well I've said we'll meet him at the industrial estate." I was
usually the person to sort out arrangements regarding meetings but the
industrial estate in Waltham Cross was perfect for such a meeting.
"What did he say, when you told him we'd taken the boys colours?" I
asked taking a bottle of water from the fridge.
"He wasn't amused, said we were taking the piss but I reminded him that
actually the lad was taking the piss," Diesel chuckled.
"Well this should be a fun meeting." Recon rested his feet on one of
the stools, "Who you taking?"
"We're gonna have a few of us there but we're high profile so I don't want
us all to have toys." Duke was right, we couldn't all carry just in case
we were pulled over but it was protocol that the Sergeant at Arms and prospects
were armed.
"I want Recon, Buster, Cade and Ramsey with toys and the rest of you can
be a little nondescript with blades. Should you wish to take other weapons
that's up to you but I'm not being responsible should you get caught."
"Woods look over this for me, we put this together quickly but can you see
any issues?" I glanced over the map they'd put together. There were men on
each side of the car park, a car to block off their exit and two further
vehicles in strategic positions should we need to chase.
"Looks fine to me but I'd put a look out here and here," I said
pointing to the drawing. I knew the estate well and there was a blind spot, I
didn't want us being caught unawares.
"Okay we can do that." Duke glanced at his

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