Stealing Asia

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Book: Stealing Asia by David Clarkson Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Clarkson
have occurred.
    ‘Luckily, we’ve
never had any problems like that,’ said Izzie, ‘not with our two “hunky
Americans” to protect us.’
    Dee giggled and
I wished I had never said anything.
    ‘Okay,’ I
protested. ‘You don’t have to be like that. You know how it is with these
American types. They all act like they just walked off the set of 90210.’
    ‘Sounds like
somebody is jealous,’ teased Dee.
    ‘Why would I be
jealous? I have a hot American of my own – remember? If anything, it’s those
two that should be turning green with envy.’
    ‘Just rub it in,
why don’t you,’ said Izzie.
    I tried to
backtrack and apologise, but the pair of them burst out laughing. These two
could be quite a tease and that was now twice they had gotten the best of me. I
decided to quit before they could make further fun of me. Asia had completed
another length of the bay and if I swam out from my current position, I would
catch up with her as she passed.
    The water was
cooler than I had been expecting. The air temperature was above thirty degrees
Celsius, so I suppose even a water temperature in the low to mid twenties would
feel cold by comparison.
    ‘I thought you
would never come in,’ said Asia, who was treading water whilst she waited for
me to catch up.
    ‘Well, you know
how I always like to keep you waiting,’ I replied.
    When I caught up
to her, she began circling me like a shark patiently weighing up its prey. I
tried to track her movements, but lost sight of her as she swam down beneath
the surface of the water. The forest cast a shadow over this side of the bay
and as such the visibility through the water was poor. Shortly after Asia had
disappeared from sight, I felt a tug on my shorts before having them yanked off
completely. Asia re-emerged directly in front of me and threw her arms over my
shoulders, whilst wrapping her legs around my waist. I was now supporting both
of us in the water and needed to paddle with both arms to keep us from sinking.
    ‘I bet you’ve
never done it in the ocean before,’ she teased.
    I was facing the
shore and could see the two English girls on the beach. It was obvious they
were watching us, because they both waved when I made eye contact with them.
    ‘Maybe this
isn’t the right time.’
    ‘What do you
    This was the
first time I had turned down sex with her and I could tell she had not expected
it. I tried to gesture towards the beach. With both of my hands supporting
Asia’s back, I had to use my head and this wasn’t easy to do without swallowing
a mouthful of saltwater.
    ‘We have an
audience,’ I said.
    She looked over
to the girls on the beach.
    ‘So?’ she
replied. ‘When has that ever stopped you? You certainly weren’t shy at the full
moon party.’
    ‘This is
different. It’s not just the girls. I’d gladly have sex on the beach if nobody
was around or even in a swimming pool, but this is the open ocean for Christ’s
    She laughed.
    ‘This is not the
open ocean. We’re about thirty seconds from the shore.’
    When she saw
that I was not going to change my mind she broke away from my hold and started
to swim back to the shore. My shorts were still in her hand.
    ‘Modesty is no
excuse,’ she said, continuing to backstroke away from me. ‘I may not get my
fun, but I’m going to make sure that the other girls get theirs.’
    I swam after
her, but had little chance of catching up to her before she made it to shore.
Asia was a strong swimmer and had too great a head start. It also felt really
strange trying to swim naked. I was terrified that a fish may swim up and start
nibbling on my tackle.
    ‘Come on, Asia,’
I pleaded. ‘Give me back my pants.’
    This time she
did not reply and just carried on towards the shore. She emerged from the water
right by the spot where Izzie and Dee were sitting. After showing the pair my
shorts, she pointed to where I was to make sure that the girls did not miss out
on witnessing my

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