She's a Star (a Hollywood Hotwife story)

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Book: She's a Star (a Hollywood Hotwife story) by Max Sebastian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Sebastian
but there she was, near the front, turned to watch for her returning husband. I felt relief, but also the creeping hand of anxiety enclosing my heart at the thought that I was about to see, what it was that she’d done with her co-star in this damn movie.
    “It’s only—” she whispered as the lights dimmed.
    “A movie, yes, I know,” I finished her sentence, which seemed to satisfy her that the message was received and understood.

    Chapter Eight
    I was worried for a moment that Hayley would hear my pounding heart beat in the silence, as the initial credits appeared on screen. I just about managed to keep my breathing calm, regular.
    Then, there she was. Jesus. She looked stunning.
    I had seen Hayley on TV before, as an extra in various things, in her failed TV pilot. I’d seen her on stage, of course, too. But none of that quite prepared me for seeing her beauty up there on the silver screen, ten feet high.
    Somehow, my beloved fresh-faced girl-next-door—with her pixyish face and freckles, her red hair tied loosely in a ponytail so she was forever tucking strands behind her ear—looked completely different, completely grown up, completely glamorous.
    I was at once besotted, crushing hard on this actress the like of which I’d never seen before—and also knocked out of the park by the fact that this uncommon beauty was my wife.
    Whatever the critics would say about the movie and its plot, Hayley was a natural up there on screen, and couldn’t fail to turn the heads of casting directors across Hollywood with this turn.
    The movie was actually a lot more powerful a drama than I’d been expecting, though there were also the action sequences for which Aaron Simpson was better known. Hayley seemed to dominate the screen time since the story revolved around her and her relationship with both Aaron Simpson’s prison guard character and her character’s husband. I felt butterflies in my stomach each time she appeared alongside that Hollywood superstar, particularly as she began to charm and seduce him.
    I found myself quietly gasping as I saw her fluttering her eyelids at him, playing with her hair, biting her lip to see a glimpse of his manly chest as the top button of his shirt came undone, or the way she was so flustered around him, flushing when he spoke to her.
    It wasn’t real, and yet it was real because her acting was so good.
    The growing bond between Hayley’s character and Aaron Simpson’s prison guard caused a little trembling in me to start with, but after a while, I was able to suspend my disbelief and see the two only as their characters, not their real life personas.
    That was until the characters finally threw caution to the wind and kissed.
    My stomach folded in on itself. Hayley was so beautiful, kissing the grizzled prison guard tenderly, caressing his cheek, pressing herself up against him. It was so real, his tongue snaking out, hers too, invading each other’s mouths, so depraved. He was fucking her mouth with his tongue.
    This stranger who was not her husband.
    In real life, sitting next to me, Hayley held my hand and squeezed gently, as though attempting to remind me: “It’s only a movie.”
    But the kissing was only the beginning. As the plan developed, and the prisoner’s wife finally seduced the prison guard to persuade him to help them, I watched as she almost forced him to engage with her, slipping off her top as they sat together on a faded couch, turning to him, her bare breasts poised, nipples stiff, begging for his attention.
    I was telling myself, it’s only a movie—but it was hard to believe seeing Hayley’s stiff nipples there on screen.
    Kissing him, straddling him, melting the prison guard’s resolve, enticing him to respond, grabbing her, tearing off the rest of her clothes.
    Oh God, seeing Hayley lying there bent over the couch, naked other than a tiny little thong, which Aaron Simpson now dragged down her smooth, coltish thighs. He ducked

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