A Ghost at Stallion's Gate
    “Horses and rabbits. What do horses and rabbits have in common?”
    “Carrots?” Alex answered.
    “Yes, that’s it. Alex, I’ve got to get Joshua on the phone. We need to dig up this pasture.”  I was so excited. Rory’s clue was perfectly clear to me.
    Chapter 15
    It was eight in the morning. The earliest time Josh said he could get a crew here and permission to excavate. I stood in the middle of the pasture. Josh approached from the same direction Alex and I had taken last night.
    “The powers that be do not like this idea, at all, Shannon.” Joshua was not a happy camper. And I could not blame him. My request was bizarre by any standard.
    “I know, Josh. But it is better, in the long run, to confront a controversy before it becomes a public issue. And you did say that Francisco was able to convince the Pasadena Conservancy that going forth with this excavation would not detract from their proposed use of the mansion. After all, if something did happen here in this pasture, well, it is far enough away from the main house, and not even in sight of it, that there should not be a public perception or public relations issue.”
    Josh squinted into the morning sun and then turned to me. “Okay, but you do realize had it not been for Grandpa, I would not be going along with you.” 
    I nodded my agreement. “Have some faith Josh, I know Zach would have. He would have backed me all the way on this.”
    The sound of heavy equipment interrupted our personal debate. We turned to see a backhoe tractor creeping up on us. Josh waved to the operator to stop. He did and Josh went over to give him directions. Josh came back to me and said, “We need to clear out of here. Stand over by that barn, you can see what’s going on and you won’t be in the way.”
    I did as I was told and watched as Josh took a bag of chalk dust and outlined the section of pasture I wanted excavated. He had just finished when Francisco showed up. Francisco walked out to the pasture to talk to Josh. The two men spoke for a few minutes. Then Josh pointed in my direction and Francisco came over to me. The noise from the backhoe was loud, I leaned toward Francisco.
    He gave me a hug and in a loud voice said, “I see that as usual when there is a nagging mystery, you cannot leave well enough alone.”
    I laughed. “Your clue is nagging, right? As in an old horse, an old nag? I knew you would understand. Thanks for supporting me on this. What convinced you?” I had to almost shout for him to hear me.
    “Faith.” That was all Francisco said. It was all he needed to say.
    “Alex said he was coming, he should be here soon,” I said. “He was with me last night.”
    Francisco diverted his attention from the pasture to look me in the face. “I spoke to Alex, late last night. I hope you do not mind. Shannon, I was concerned for you. When Joshua called me last night, he said you had been with Alex out here to this pasture. I wanted Alex’s opinion. However, I would like to emphasize, I did not call Alex until after I spoke with the person I know on the board of the Pasadena Conservancy. I was in your court before speaking with Alex. Alex is too, by the way. He may seem a bit reluctant, but he is adamant about your intuition in regard to this excavation.”
    “I know. I’m lucky to have the both of you in agreement with me. Too bad I cannot convince Joshua.”
    “Convince Joshua of what?” Alex called out.
    I turned to see him standing next to me. In the noise of the backhoe I had not heard Alex approach, though no doubt Francisco saw him walking up.
    I explained to Alex, “Joshua is not happy about the excavation.”
    “I can appreciate his point of view. He may feel that this excavation is, or could be, a negative reflection on his professionalism,” Alex said.
    “Yes, I suppose so, but in the end, I hope he’ll see it differently.”
    The noise of the backhoe made it annoying to try and talk in normal voices. So, there we

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