The Amazon Experiment

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Book: The Amazon Experiment by Deborah Abela Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Abela
mission, but with your knowledge of the Force and your natural leadership skills, I believe you will be better suited to commanding all aspects of the mission from here.’
    Steinberger lowered his eyes a little.
    â€˜Plus, I believe I am the best person to find Frond.’
    Max knew, no matter how hard they tried, they’d never be able to convince him to stay, not when Frond was in danger.
    â€˜We’ll be fine, Alex, I promise. We’ll complete this mission in record time, then everything can go back to normal.’
    Alex had never gone against a directive from Harrison and Max could tell she was uncomfortable even with the idea, but Alex couldn’t avoid the impenetrable determination etched into Steinberger’s face.
    â€˜You will contact me the moment you’re in trouble.’
    Steinberger smiled. ‘I will.’
    â€˜You will take no unnecessary risks …’
    â€˜â€¦ and if the lives of any one of you is in danger you change tack or abort the mission immediately?’
    â€˜Change or abort. Absolutely.’
    Alex stared at the Administration Manager. ‘I’ll send the mission plan to you immediately.’
    â€˜Thanks, Alex.’ There was much more Steinberger wanted to say.
    â€˜Be careful.’ It was barely a whisper from Alex before she leant in and kissed him on the cheek.
    Steinberger blushed and turned quickly to enter the jet.
    Max turned to Alex. ‘Thank you.’
    Alex gave a strained smile. ‘Look after them, Max.’
    Her chest exploded with pride.
    â€˜I will.’
    Sleek’s disembodied voice sounded over the intercom. ‘Lady and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. The Invisible Jet is ready for take-off. The Automatic People Sanitiser has been activated and is awaiting its first passengers.’
    â€˜I forgot about that.’ Linden winced. The last time they had experienced the Sanitiser, it had felt like his brains were being sucked out of his head.
    â€˜Do we really have to do this?’ Max asked.
    â€˜It’s an extra precaution,’ Steinberger answered. ‘Since the sleeping sickness has taken over, we can’t afford to take any chances.’
    The two agents squeezed through the entrance hatch of the Invisible Jet, which had been blocked by two balloon-like walls that led to a small white rubber room.
    â€˜You ready?’ Max asked Linden.
    â€˜Only if you are.’
    A blast of vacuum-like air sucked at their hair and clothes, whisking them round in circles and bouncing them off the soft walls. They were spun, twirled and jostled before the suction stopped and they were spat out of the room and sent toppling into the jet.
    â€˜Sorry about that.’ Steinberger was spat out behind them. He gained his balance, patted down his ruffled hair and made his way to his seat. ‘I had it programmed to Super Clean.’
    As Max and Linden took their seats, Max grinned at the entrance, waiting for Suave to blunder through. After a few seconds the agent stepped through as easily as if he was getting out of a car, his clothes intact and his hair still looking perfect. Max disliked him even more.
    Steinberger pressed a button on his armrest and spoke to the jet’s pilot. ‘Ready to go, Sleek.’
    The jet levitated and slowly made its way to the exit of the VART. It then thrust itself into action, forcing the agents into the backs of their seats as it began its high speed journey to the Amazon Jungle.
    Once they were at cruising altitude, Steinberger took out a small bag of herbal Plantorium medicines. He began swallowing pills, drinking measured pink liquids and stirring bright green powders into various mugs of water.
    â€˜Steinberger?’ Linden was curious.
    â€˜Allergies. The Plantorium staff put this together for me. It only takes little things to set me off if I’m not careful, so let’s hope these tackle the Amazon, eh?’
    When he was

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