Prophet of ConFree (The Prophet of ConFree)
file," Doggie remarked. "Can you tell us what motivated you to join the Legion?"
    "Well, ConFree has treated me well, and I wanted to give something back."
    "But surely you would be more suited to a commission, to OCS. With your educational background, they'd snap you up right away."
    "Ah yes, that was suggested but I turned them down."
    "I wanted to serve in enlisted ranks."
    "And why is that?"
    "I promised myself that I would do it."
    "Can you tell us why?"
    For awhile I thought he was not going to answer. Then he did. "Have you heard of the Ringgold incident?" he asked.
    "Yes." Doggie appeared startled.
    "I lost my whole family – everyone I loved. I was left with nothing. I finished up my doctorate and then walked through the Legion Gate."
    We were all speechless for a moment. I had not heard about the Ringgold incident. Then Doggie spoke up. "We're sorry to hear that, Surinto. All right – Rains. Speak."
    "My name is Richard Rains," I said, "and I'm nobody. I just graduated middle school on Eugarat, and I realized I was going nowhere fast. I decided to do something worthwhile. And here I am."
    "Good. Oswego?" That was the Cyrillian girl. So far I hadn't heard her say a word. I wasn't sure if she was sullen or just shy. She looked around nervously and spoke.
    "I am Kakatarn Oswego. I am from Mica 3. I also recently graduated from middle school. The people of ConFree gave me an education, and I appreciate it. I want to serve in the Legion for the people of ConFree and become a citizen, if I can." She sounded perfectly sincere. I watched her as she spoke. I was fascinated by her. Although her skin was black, she did not have the sharpened teeth that I thought was a Cyrillian trademark. Her pearly teeth were perfectly formed, regular, and very white. Her black hair was glossy smooth. And her face – the features were delicate, clean and lovely. She had clear, light brown eyes, and her skin – it was almost like satin. The girl with satin skin, I thought. She was a honey.
    "Thank you, Oswego. All right, Burns. Let's hear it."
    Burns was a young Outworlder, and he gave us a big smile. He had fair skin with a few freckles and bright blue eyes and a hint of blond stubble on his shaven scalp. "My name is Byron Burns," he began. "My family are reunification refugees from Katag 2 – that's in the Pherdan Federation. I was just a kid on Katag, but I can still remember it. We were slaves. The Kats hated Outworlders, and I had to fight my way through elementary school. Everything they taught us was a lie. When I was old enough, my dad taught me the truth but warned me never to repeat it, or we would all face PsyMed. When we arrived in ConFree, we were overjoyed. The reunification program meant liberation and freedom for thousands of Outworlders. I vowed right away that I was going to join the Legion on my seventeenth birthday. And I did. I'm real happy to be here!" And he smiled again. Strange, I thought. He loves and appreciates ConFree. He sees the truth. I've had the truth all along but never appreciated it. I was just a selfish parasite. Maybe I'm learning something here. Maybe.
    "Well we're glad you're here, Burns. Zhang Loo-wah-kee." Doggie seemed to have some trouble with the name. "Give us a few words."
    "Sir yes sir!" This was the handsome young Assidic male, slanted eyes, pale brown flesh, classic high cheekbones and a black sheen on his shaven scalp. "My name is Zhang Lwoki." He sat at attention, almost like a biogen except biogens were normally a bit more relaxed. "I am from a military family. My father and mother and elder brother were in Fleetcom. I opted for the Legion. We believe it is our duty to serve the people of ConFree, sir!"
    "Well I'm glad to hear that, Zhang. In looking through your file, I see very strong evidence that you should have applied direct to OCS rather than entering enlisted ranks. Why didn't you do that?"
    "Sir! It is forbidden. In our family we are pledged to enter the military as

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