Alice After Hours

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Book: Alice After Hours by Galia Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Galia Ryan
Tags: BDSM, London, alpha male, submissive, chat room
perfectly aligned. It is a good fit.”
    Gabe stood. Lifted his finger and indicated Alice was to go to him.
    She did, standing perfectly still as he ran his hands over her constricted body. It was an effort not to gasp as his fingers pulled on her hardened nipples, and even more so when they stroked over the top of one stocking and then slipped between her thighs and found her wetness.
    â€œ Madame ,” he addressed the corsetière, “I would like to see the other one on her. I think a more feminine colour would suit her from now on.”
    And leaning down, he placed his lips on hers.

Chapter 20
    T hat evening he took her not to his bedroom, but to a bathroom—a high-ceilinged space of expansive proportions, glossy white porcelain and softly sheened marble. She sat on the toilet seat while he turned on the tap in the claw-footed bath. Then he returned and stood over her.
    Alice understood. Wanted it even. She leaned forward and rested her forehead on his belly while unzipping his jeans and easing them over his narrow hips. His undershorts were soft cotton, the designer’s name on the waistband. Bending forward, she settled her mouth on the bulge of his cock, not kissing but caressing with her warm breath.
    The hands that had been resting on her shoulders and settling her in place were slipping off his shirt. Daringly, she glanced up and took in the flat and tanned stomach, and the spread of soft dark hair emerging from his shorts. And then those same hands, fingers splayed, were on his hips. Clearly he was waiting. Curling her fingers into the elastic waistband, she drew his undershorts down, slowly, her tongue darting out to lick and taste each millimetre of freshly exposed skin, dark and matted and smelling of animal arousal. She buried her nose in his groin, inhaling its very headiness deep into the swirling morass of her being.
    But not for long. Released at last, his cock had demands of its own. Grasping its length, she explored its hardness before easing back the foreskin and placing her mouth over the bulbous head. Her tongue probed, caressed, found the small opening in the tip of velvet smoothness and investigated.
    She heard the gasp. Feeling his hips judder, she prodded again, this time while stroking the shaft. His cock jerked, and tightening her lips behind the ridge she sucked and licked while his hands, now on either side of her head, controlled and encouraged her rhythm. Then, as if needing to fully own her, they tightened fast behind her head. Held securely in place, she obediently relaxed her throat and slid farther down the hard shaft until her nose was once again in his groin. Now she was impaled, and it was all she could do to concentrate on her breathing and her gag reflex.
    And then, with a telling groan, he was gone, leaving only her confusion and a fine string of drool connecting them.
    â€œ Take off your clothes.”
    The water was warm when he lifted her into the bath, warm and scented, and when he settled at the other end it rose and ebbed and rippled over her breasts, easing and comforting her. That alone was blissful, but there was more. He’d brought champagne, angled into an ice bucket, and reaching down to the floor, he poured two glasses of sparkling froth.
    â€œ Is anything wrong?”
    Having accepted a dewy flute, Alice was gazing into its contents.
    She shook her head.
    â€œ What were you expecting,” he asked as if guessing her thoughts, “a night of power play? That you would be dragged down to a dungeon in the basement and shackled to the wall while I forced myself on you?”
    She took a long slow sip. “Perhaps not quite that extreme—”
    Liar! That’s exactly what you did think.
    â€œ But yes. I did think it would play out in that way.”
    â€œ Would you be disappointed if it didn’t?”
    Peeling a strand of wet hair from her cheek, she tucked it behind her ear. “I’ve no idea what I’m feeling

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