Crucible Zero

Free Crucible Zero by Devon Monk

Book: Crucible Zero by Devon Monk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devon Monk
take the cure to House Earth. You have to take it to Gloria.”
    â€œIt’s untested.”
    â€œThen we’ll test it.”
    â€œI’m going with you. You aren’t thinking straight, Quinten. Not with Gloria at risk. I’ll help make sure nothing goes wrong. I’ll help you get this cure to her in time.”
    â€œThe compound is a bomb target,” he said. “You are staying right here, where you’re safe.”
    â€œWhere I’m sure Sallyo or Slater will send people to try to drag me in? It’s not safe here. Not anymore. No. I’m done hiding. I go with you to that compound and try to save Gloria. Then I’ll find a way to stop Slater. What are the armaments at the compound?”
    â€œJesus, Matilda,” he said. “Just stop! Stop . . . being that. Stop being
. I have enough problems on my hands not to have to deal with some stubborn girl who won’t do what I tell her to do.”
    I knew my cheeks were reddening up from that scolding, and I had to bite my tongue not to yell back at him. How dare he tell me I wasn’t worth listening to. How dare he imply that Evelyn was just a sweet, obedient child he could do all the thinking for. He had just insulted both of us. And I was in a mood for a fight.
    But we had a bigger battle to deal with, and very little time. People were going to die. A lot of people, either by bombing or plague. And us arguing about it wouldn’t save a single damn soul.
    â€œQuinten? Do you copy?” Gloria asked. “You will not approach this compound.”
    â€œI heard you,” he said, his words still tight with all the yelling he was holding back. “But I am coming your way, Gloria. Tell the watch to look for me before sundown tomorrow.”
    â€œQuin. Don’t. Please don’t.”
    â€œThere’s something else you need to know,” he said. “What I originally called for. We got news, Gloria. Bad news. House Fire is going to start bombing House Earth compounds.”
    There was a stretch of silence. Then she asked, “Do you know who and when?”
    Just like in my time, when I’d known her as a doctor and Quinten’s ex-girlfriend, she took terrible news with level calm. She didn’t even ask why; she just got down to dealing with the situation.
    â€œTen days from now should be the first attack,” he said. “Unless we can stop it. I don’t know which compound will be hit. It could be any of them.”
    â€œAll right,” she said. “All right. We’ll spread the word, keep our eyes out, and hunker down. You need to stay where you are. Promise me.”
    â€œI’m headed your way early tomorrow. Sorry, Gloria. I have to. W-three-TAN, seven-three. This is W-three-QNT clear and QRT.”
    Another long pause interrupted by the static of a mic switching on, then off again. Then Jamie’s voice came on the line. “W-three-3QNT, seven-three. This is W-three-TAN clear and monitoring.”
    Quinten set the equipment aside.
    â€œI’m going with you,” I stated. “And after that, I’m going to kill Slater.”
    â€œThen you’d better pack,” he said, not looking at me.
    I nodded and stared at the ceiling a minute. He was angry. He wanted some space. I understood that.
    But it didn’t give him any right to be an ass.
    â€œThat’s two, Quinten,” I said. “Two times you’ve treated me like a child or worse. I’ll give you one more; then I’m not going to be quiet and take that kind of condescension from you. Do you understand? I know Evelyn was sweet and kind and perfect, and I’m none of those things, but I think even she would be disappointed in how you’re treating me.”
    â€œDon’t talk about her,” he said. “You didn’t know her. You’ll never know her.”
    He was still sitting. Not looking at me, his hands fisted.

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