My Heart Belongs to You (Medieval Romance Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: My Heart Belongs to You (Medieval Romance Trilogy Book 3) by Leigh Bale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bale
Tags: Scottish, medieval romance
stunning bride.”
    Nicholas patted his stallion’s shiny neck. “It would have been lucky for me had I been blessed with a brother who doesn’t talk so much.”
    He led his horse to the watering trough, wanting to be alone. Alex followed, and a bristle of irritation swept Nicholas’s spine. He waited as his horse drank in slow gulps. Samson lifted his head and trickles of water drizzled from the destrier’s muzzle.
    Alex chuckled. “Once the priest speaks the vows, I wager Lady Ysabelle will give birth exactly nine months from today.”
    Nicholas hoped so. She was so small, he feared childbirth might kill her.
    He frowned.
    Thomas, the captain of the castle guard, removed his helm and approached. Nicholas was relieved when Alex stepped away with a soft chuckle.
    “You are Nicholas Ramsay,” Thomas said. “I recognize you from when I accompanied Lord Maston to Dalhousie to arrange your betrothal to Lady Ysabelle.”
    “I remember you also. How is your wife?”
    A wary light flickered in Thomas’s eyes. “She has recovered from the ague that plagued her.”
    “Good. Can I depend upon your support now?” Nicholas asked.
    Though he held perfectly still, brutal energy pulsed in Nicholas’s veins. He feared Thomas might reject his claim to Ysabelle and Sutcliffe. It would be futile to fight the inhabitants of the castle. Nicholas wanted them to swear fealty to him and be his oath-men, not his enemies.
    Thomas spoke in a thoughtful tone. “The king’s emissary was here looking for Lady Ysabelle four days ago. We explained that she’d gone to her uncle’s home, to mourn her father’s passing. Since you’ve brought her home, I take it you will be our new lord.”
    “Yes, I will be Lady Ysabelle’s husband, just as her father agreed.”
    Thomas smiled. “I know that is what Lord Maston wanted. Aye, we will support you, my lord.”
    Praise the heavens! Elation spiraled through Nicholas.
    Thomas clasped Nicholas’s hand, his ruddy face crinkled with a broad grin of approval.
    Within the next few minutes, Nicholas announced to the castle guards who he was and that there would be a wedding feast soon. Nicholas was conscious of Alex returning to stand beside him, withdrawing his gauntlets. A murmur of delight ruffled through the crowd and Nicholas was grateful Maston had prepared his people beforehand to accept him as their new lord. If only Ysabelle were so easily persuaded.
    With little fanfare, Nicholas gave instructions that cattle, sheep, and supplies were to be brought inside the keep. The people set to work without question, their horses and wagons rattling out of the gatehouse as they went to spread the word and collect provisions.
    “The English might besiege us before your marriage,” Alex told Nicholas when they were alone.
    “The ceremony will be done quickly.”
    “I can promise the strength of my men to help you fight the English,” Alex interjected. “If my father will lend his aid, we might call in allies of other Scottish clans. King William will soon learn not to meddle along the border where he isn’t wanted.”
    Alex’s offer touched Nicholas deeply and he couldn’t contain a look of amazement.
    “Don’t be surprised, Nick. You’ve always been there to fight for me in numerous battles. I willna abandon you now. I’ve already sent a runner to Dalhousie to request my father send our men to your aid. No doubt he’ll come posthaste.”
    Doubtful. Archibald Ramsay hated Nicholas, and he couldn’t keep from saying so. “Your father won’t be pleased to aid my cause.”
    Alex shrugged. “It would help his own cause and mine also. Our king will reward my father well if he succeeds in helping add Sutcliffe to the long list of Scotland’s lands.”
    Warmth suffused Nicholas when he thought of his new home. “I will see that Sutcliffe prospers. I will lay down my life defending these lands and also Lady Ysabelle. I will take her to wife this verra day.”
    Alex clasped his arm. “Yes,

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