Overcoming His Pride

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Book: Overcoming His Pride by Amber Kell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Kell
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    “I love you,” Marlen said. “I love you both.”
    Chen kissed him. The wren’s touch always made Marlen ache. His heart overwhelmed him with emotion.
    “Here, this will help.” Chen slid a pillow beneath Andrew’s ass, elevating him at a better angle for Marlen.
    Andrew slid his hand up his erection. “Don’t make me start without you.”
    Marlen grinned. “As long as you don’t finish without me, that’s all right.”
    He pushed inside his lover’s body, his cock trudging through territory he would’ve sworn had never been breached if he hadn’t seen Chen take Andrew.
    “Oh fuck, you’re tight. I’m not going to last.”
    Andrew’s chuckle vibrated along his cock and only made things worse.
    Grunts fell out of Marlen and words tumbled like rocks rolling about to be polished, rubbing against each other with little care.
    “Now!” Chen commanded.
    Marlen’s body responded to his lover’s command and he spilled inside their mate. Andrew quickly followed. He groaned as he slid out of Andrew’s volcanic heat. “I could live in there.”
    “That might be a bit uncomfortable after a while.” Andrew opened his arms and Marlen snuggled in, Chen on the other side.
    “We need to shower,” Chen muttered.
    “You don’t need to,” Marlen said.
    “Yeah, I came when you did,” he confessed.
    “Good. I like it when we do things together.” Marlen kissed Andrew’s chest then lifted up and brushed his lips against Chen’s cheek.
    “When did you want to look at property?” Chen asked.
    Andrew lifted his head. “What property?”
    “We’ve been buying plots around town to build the perfect nest,” Chen said.
    Andrew frowned. “Plots? As in several?”
    “Well we didn’t know which one you might like,” Marlen said. He didn’t want Andrew to think they hadn’t cared about his opinion.
    “It’s a wren thing. Typically we’d go ahead and have several houses built, but because you live in an apartment, we weren’t certain of your style. And since you’re human, we thought you might want to pick a couple different types to see which one is your favourite.”
    Andrew’s tone sounded a little odd when he asked. “Why don’t you just build one house?”
    Chen and Marlen sat up and glared at their mate. “We would never do that,” Chen snarled. “It would show disrespect to only give you one choice.”
    Marlen nodded his agreement.
    “Oh. I was just thinking about the cost.”
    Marlen laughed. “Wrens save their entire lives for this.”
    “Like a nest egg?” Andrew asked.
    “Exactly!” Marlen didn’t know why his mate found that so amusing.
    “What do you do with the extra houses?” Andrew asked.
    “Sell them. Wrens are great at real estate.” It was one of the number one jobs for wren shifters, it just didn’t appeal to either of them.
    Andrew pulled them both back down to snuggle. “I look forward to seeing my choices.”
    Marlen smiled. They’d known as soon as they saw him that Andrew would make a proper mate. Chen rubbed his arm, cherishing their connection.
    Yes, it was worth a little stalking to finally get their Andrew. Satisfied, deep in his bones, Marlen slipped into sleep. Tomorrow would be early enough to tell Andrew they wanted children.

    Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:
    A Wizard’s Touch: Farren’s Wizard
    Amber Kell
    Chapter One
    “Touch me!” Farren Azar growled at his lover.
    Dan Stewartson flipped back his brown hair where it had fallen across his brow. His blue eyes glowed with lust and appreciation. “Now, babe, there’s no hurry. We have plenty of time.”
    “Trust me—you are running out of time. If you don’t do something soon, I will take over.”
    Dan nipped at his neck. Pleasure poured through Farren. His toes curled and his breath stuttered. His body struggled between the pain of too much sensation and the greedy urge to get more. Oh fuck! He’d never had anyone explore his

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