Judgement Day
wasn’t sure if it was
true at this stage, the Messiah thing I mean, but Britney Spears
was my main source of motivation. She was the only woman for me,
and once I finished my theories, she would be mine, or so I hoped.
I could wait for love in heaven. I did everything, all of my
theories, trying to save the world, I mean I did it because I was
told to, but I did it for Britney Spears. I hadn’t had a girlfriend
for a long time, and I’d never been in love before, I used to dream
of perfect love with Britney Spears, two people created for each
other by God.
    I did love
reading biographies of great scientists. Isaac Newton was my
favourite, but I did read a biography of Einstein in the early days
of my theories, it was a great book because it talked a lot about
how Einstein came up with his ideas, about the thought experiments
he used and I used it in addition to ‘A Brief History Of Time’ to
teach myself about space. The other guy I felt like I had a
connection with was Tesla, I loved the way he was a frustrated
genius, brilliant and important, but poor and bitter.
    I pretty much
just kept to myself most of the time. I had work to do, I didn’t
have time for drinking and partying. When I wasn’t at work, I was
at the computer. I used to laugh in those days imagining what a
movie about my life would be like, just me smoking cigarettes and
thinking about stuff, and then sitting on the computer writing it
down. Not the most action packed biopic ever made.
    While I was
reading all of these prophecies and stuff, I became a little
curious about the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and whether there were
prophecies about me in there too. So I had a bit of a read. There
were indeed prophecies about me, but they were kind of vague, just
typical Messiah arrives and puts an end to evil sort of stuff, but
there were a couple of interesting things, but it was all pretty
general Judgement Day sort of stuff.
    There was one
passage in the Egyptian Book of the Dead which really caught my
eye. Talking about the sun it said “thy light with its manifold
colours is incomprehensible.” Remember , I had been reading about Isaac Newton, my idol,
and I knew that before Isaac Newton people believed that sunlight
was just white. It was Isaac Newton who proved that sunlight is
made up of all of the colours of the spectrum . Isaac Newton did this by passing sunlight
through one glass triangular prism to scatter it, then passing it
through a second glass triangular prism to bring it back to the
original white sunlight. I began to wonder if the Ancient Egyptians
had performed similar experiments to Isaac Newton? After all, they
did worship the sun. Then I realised that the pyramids are
basically four sided triangular prisms!
    I was very
excited about this idea, my brain was ticking over with all sorts
of crazy ideas about how the pyramids might work. I spent about
three weeks trying all sorts of things to get this pyramid theory
to work, and when I finally solved it, it was the greatest feeling!
There really is no feeling like discovering something, there is no
greater adrenalin rush than a genuine “eureka moment .” I came out of my room all
excited, and I turned on the TV to try to relax. A kids drama show
was on, and the very first thing I saw was a bad guy, and the very
first thing he said was “now I possess the power of the pyramid,”
and his hands were over a glowing pyramid. That was all I needed to
see and I turned it off. I told Jason what happened when I turned
on the TV, he said “pyramid is one of the most common words in the
English language,” although he probably didn’t say it as eloquently
as that. Yeah, whatever man, I know what happened.
    I still hadn’t
been able to get my theories of time, gravity and the infinite
Universe published, but I thought maybe this pyramid thing could be
my opening. It was simple, and easy to understand. I thought if I
could get that published, then I could make a name for myself and
show them

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