Capturing Savannah

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Book: Capturing Savannah by J. L. Krajcirovic Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Krajcirovic
    “Can I see it?” I ask.
    “Sure. But I am not finished with it yet. Needs more shading work and I may add in some of the gold and blue and purple tones from the sky and the sand and those legs. But I will finish it out this weekend.” He says.
    The drawing is amazing. I never thought of myself as beautiful but this person, this form in David’s drawing is just that. The leaning reed grass in the background is solid black, a silhouette. My form is a mainly a silhouette too. Though since I am closer to the foreground you can see several details. Details like the tops of my knees and where the muscles start in my calves. Details like the bottoms of my bare feet, one of my forearms and one shoulder. You can also see some of the lines in my jersey knit dress resting on my thigh and curving around my bottom. My face is a silhouette with flyaway hairpieces sweeping around one side of my face. There are also various details and shapes in the sand surrounding me.
    Without thinking I move my lips to David’s and kiss him. Parting his lips open with my tongue. He kisses me back with that gentle lip biting that drives me crazy. I let him close his sketchbook grabbing his hands when he is done and placing them on my legs. He moves his fingers over them gently. I move my hands under his soft grey shirt craving touching more of his skin. He pulls his shirt off as if obliging me. He moves closer leaning me back with one hand in the small of my back and the other propping himself up on the sand and also touching my hip. He trails kisses and licks along my extended neck down to where the jersey knit dress blocks him from touching my skin. I pull the dress down over my shoulders first, which he kisses. Then I pull the dress down even more so it’s in the sand and his bare chest is against mine.
    He moves his mouth back to mine and bites my lip again forcing a moan that has been building. Wanting more of him I unbutton his pants and he pulls them the rest of the way off kicking his shoes off too. His fingers play with the straps on my silk black bikini panties. He caresses my thighs too with soft grains of sand moving with his fingers on my skin. I move my fingers to his and guide them to pulling the sides of my panties down and off. He kisses my chest and moves so he rocks on top of me. I grip the muscles in his back with intense pleasure rolling him over so I am on top now. He touches the side of my rib cage lightly caressing the sand and my skin. After awhile he rolls us back over so he is on top again. I moan when he moves his lips back to my mouth and rocks on top of me. We both go over the edge.
    We clean the sand off each other in silence and both get dressed. I look at him and he has that beautifully wicked one-sided grin. He looks at me and I know I am beaming at him and probably blushing a little now too.
    “Thea .” he says pausing “You’re incredible.”
    “Your not to bad yourself .” I say.
    We sit next to each other looking at the reed grass swaying and the soft rolling tide in the distance.
    “So you ready?” says David.
    “Ready for what?” I ask.
    “This!” he says picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder.
    And I know where this is going . He is going to toss me in again like the last time we were at the beach.
    “ David!” I holler right before he tosses me in.
    The water is stingingly cold.
    “Déjà vu?” he says chuckling.
    “Oh ya. Well I think it’s your turn then mister.” I say jumping on him so he falls back into the water.
    “Ok I guess I deserved that .” He says. With another chuckle he adds “Let’s get out of here it’s freaking cold. And I don’t want to find out right now if there are anymore jellyfish nearby.”
    I am surprised but glad we don’t come across a jellyfish. Every time I go with someone to Tybee that gets into the water they end up getting stung. We jog out of the water picking up our shoes. Sand is sticking all over my feet and my legs. Not to mention I

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