That Kind of Special

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Book: That Kind of Special by Abby Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Wood
    “What bullshit?” she mumbled.
    “Give me the truth, babe. You want a man stronger than you. Someone who won’t let you get away with turning into a fucking bitch, just so you can have your own way. You like that I take care of you, and have the balls to tell you no.” He lowered his voice. “That’s the kind of man you want, so you can give yourself permission to open your arms, take a chance, and let someone else take care of you.”
    She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. He wasn’t backing down. “Yes or no?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Then, dammit, come here.” He patted his chest.
    She dived into his arms. He held her against him, tucking her head underneath his chin. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not the kind of man who’ll let you push me away, and you’re too special for me to walk away without regretting it for a lifetime.”
    Her body relaxed in a whoosh. He stroked the back of her head. Finally, he felt like he’d gotten past her shield and was holding the real Katina. He admired her for her goals, her determination to succeed in developing a business that would support her, and her struggle for independence.
    Yet there was an unbelievable strength in her determination to go about it by herself. She wanted to succeed at an unhealthy level that caused her to suffer for what she really wanted. He didn’t get that. He kissed the top of her head and leaned back, making her tip her head back to meet his gaze. “Are we good now?”
    She nodded. “We’re good…for now. I’ll have to think about it more when I’m by myself.”
    He chuckled. “You do that.”
    “Although you’re probably going to turn into a stalker, huh?”
    He threw back his head and laughed. Yeah, he was going to enjoy their new relationship. “Yeah, baby. I’ll be your stalker.”

Chapter Ten
    Seattle boasted of having some of the best underground music anywhere, and at the Cavern, Katina believed it. She held Trent’s hand and followed him off the dance floor. The laughter kept coming. She couldn’t stop.
    For someone who’d proved he was fast on his feet, a smooth talker, and a marathon man in bed, Trent couldn’t dance to save his life. She leaned her head onto his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
    “Right,” he muttered, pulling her to his side and continuing to walk back to their table.
    “Next time, I promise I won’t make fun of you.” She bit down on her lip to keep from laughing and failed. “Seriously.”
    “Real cute.” He kissed her quick. “Those moves should only be made in bed. With me.”
    She stuck out her lower lip, but even then, she couldn’t follow through with her pout. Tonight was everything she’d hoped it would be. Good food, delicious drinks, and the company of their friends.
    “I will never, ever dance when you two are on the floor.” Doreen sat at the table with Tim, wiping her eyes and fighting a wave of giggles. “My God. I think the band even stopped playing at one point to watch Trent.”
    “Hey, I didn’t see you two out there.” Katina pointed at Tim and then Doreen. “Some friends you are.”
    “Hell, no.” Tim put his arm around Doreen. “I admit I can’t dance. I sure as hell wouldn’t get out there and make a fool of myself just because my girlfriend looked at me pretty and promised wicked things later.”
    Trent shook his head, but he smiled. “I owed her.”
    That was true. He’d asked her to go without panties while they played golf yesterday, and after the seventh hole, he’d flipped up her skirt and had her ride him in the golf cart to the next green. It was scandalous, shocking, and one of the wildest things she’d ever done.
    “Ah…” Tim grinned. “That’s the way you played it. So, what did she do for you?”
    She dived toward Trent, putting her hand across his mouth. “Don’t say it, or you’ll never get another treat again.”
    All four of them at the table burst out in laughter. She slid into the booth beside

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