My Life As a Medium

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Authors: Betty Shine
already relaxed. Then my teacher said, ‘All will be well.’ He was certainly a man of few words, and I wondered whether his power over others had prevented him from becoming a good conversationalist. He certainly had not been a politician, of that I am sure!
    I brought my patient out of his trance andgave him a few minutes to pull himself together. His first words were, ‘I saw her, I saw my wife!’ Although he was smiling, the tears were pouring down his face and soaking into his shirt. He sat up and, still looking dazed, told me that he had been in a room that had had a bright orange glow, and whilst he was gazing around, a door opened and his wife walked in.
    ‘She told me that I must stop worrying,’ he said, ‘and that there had been faults on both sides.’ He held my hand as he slowly dried his tears. ‘She told me that she still loved me, you know.’ Twisting his handkerchief in his hands, he said, ‘I don’t know how she can, I’m such a miserable old bugger.’ I told him that I had not met one perfect person in my life and was never likely to, and this seemed to cheer him up. He asked me how it was that he could see his wife, even though she was dead. I told him of the phenomenon of mind energy, and explained how the presence that had entered the room had done so with a specific aim in mind – to expand his mind energy to such an extent that he could see into the other dimension. Like so many other healings, the meeting with his wife had obviously been arranged before his visit to me.
    Although his arthritis had gone, my patient visited me every week for the next five weeks, hoping that he would relive the experience. But it was not to be. I taught him the rudiments of telepathy, and assured him that he could talk tohis wife at any time and that she would be able to hear him.
    Six months later, I received a card from India. He was there studying Buddhism. A seed had been sown, and he was obviously reaping the harvest.
    My next story is about a young man named Martin.
When Martin first visited me he was suffering with acne, pains in his arms and legs, frequent headaches and a host of other minor ailments.
    I gave him healing on three separate occasions, but it became obvious to both of us that the healing simply was not working. Because of the success I was having with healing in general, I was surprised and disappointed; and so, of course, was Martin.
    However, I persuaded him to return for a fourth visit. As he walked into the room he looked around and said, ‘Have you been burning incense or something?’
    ‘No! Why do you ask?’
    ‘Well, the room is full of blue smoke,’ he told me.
    ‘Can you smell anything?’ I enquired.
    ‘Well no, I can’t.’ He frowned, and said, ‘What is it?’
    I explained that it was healing energy, and that very often it was so dense that people could not see me, and thought I had vanished.
    ‘There is so much power in the room I think something great is going to happen,’ I told him. Before I had finished the sentence I could feel the power of my hypnotherapy teacher moving in, and so could Martin.
    ‘Betty, I think there is a spirit here, I can feel it.’ As he spoke, his eyes were alight with wonder. ‘I’ve never seen a spirit,’ he said.
    I slowly talked him into a hypnotic state and, as I did so, I could feel my own mind energy lifting and the now familiar floating feeling. I looked at Martin’s body and saw a map of the meridian lines and chakras. But the most amazing sight was the mind energy – it was so compressed that it became obvious to me why the hands on healing had not worked. I remember thinking that it would take a miracle to disperse the congestion. And the miracle was about to happen. I watched silently as fingers of mind energy started to leave my patient’s head, slowly at first and then with a rush. The fingers of energy turned into a cloud, and gradually formed the normal shape of a halo around his head. Looking again at the

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