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Book: Moonspawn by Bruce McLachlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bruce McLachlan
Tags: Moonspawn
haul this asphyxiating mask from her face. As she felt the laces being tightened over the zip, further compressing her skull, she started to settle, the burning angst of her denial fading away as no ill effects manifested.
    ‘When I’m finished her majesty will congratulate me on a job well done, and whatever plans she has for you will have to be forgotten, because all you’ll be able to do is crave punishment and bondage.’
    The women loosened their hold on Kira, and once she had calmed down they continued their task of transforming her into a latex zombie such as they.
    The hood was sealed tight, the zip of her spine and her head being connected by a padlock. Then a stout collar was applied, the rigid walls of the band propping her head up, craning her neck out and keeping it there where she could do nothing save maintain the position. Blinded by the latex, her nose still bloated with the smell of it, unable to breathe or speak, her skin able only to feel the pressure of this latex tomb, her only sense left was hearing, and even that was muffled by the thick sheet stretched over her ears.
    Kira was lifted onto her feet, the crimp of the latex to her legs as they sought to support her making her shiver with delectation. There were clicks of metal on metal from directly above her as fastening grabbed an anchor atop her hood she had not noticed before, its existence hidden by the voluminous folds of the jacket. Other clicks again grabbed her ankle bonds.
    ‘Now, I’m going to leave you to this entrapment. The smothering arms of this bondage are extensions of my 72

    own. You suffer here because I wish it, and when I return, we’ll see what else I can do to bring you down, my pretty little slave.’
    The whirring effort of engines started to seep through her latex hood, and the chains started to again withdraw, pulling at her head and feet. The hood pressed more ferociously to her face as the summit was pulled at, and then she was being lifted into the air by this point.
    Struggling as her feet left the floor and were again pulled apart to splay her, she fought the brutal clench of the jacket, trying to do something to aid her plight as the chains continued their drag, racking her in the air.
    There was the sound of a door shutting and silence fell as she was left suspended and helpless, no sound reaching her save her own stolid heartbeat.
    Lost in the dark world of her own latex prison, Kira dwelt on all that had happened of late. How radically her life had changed from that which she had known.
    But her meditations were cut short as the chastity belt once more sparked into frenetic activity. With a hiss of rhapsody she shook within the stringent bonds, expelling the last of her air and leaving herself unable to draw in any more, effectively muting any noise she might attempt to make.
    Going slack within her bondage she felt the swell of pleasure slowly growing to a peak, being cultivated by the continuing toil of the belt. Closer and closer she was carried, opening her arms to the imminent orgasm.
    Without warning the belt stopped, having been taught through her previous session exactly the behaviour to expect before she succumbed to release. Sensors upon the dildo had gauged that she was on the very brink of climax, mere seconds from it, and thus it had spitefully 73

    shut down.
    Unable to scream, Kira flew into distraught spasms, her most fanatic thrashing barely being noticed because of her stretched position. Squeezing her orifices to the rods she tried to gain the last shuffle, the last mere wiggle that would carry her over the brink. But instead she merely teetered on the edge, hanging for a moment before she started to trundle back down the slopes of ecstasy.
    Sobbing, she felt herself calming, every moment of delay carrying the final result further and further from her clutches.
    Only once she was utterly subdued again, hanging helpless, the pain of her predicament punishing her limbs, compressing her terribly,

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