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Book: Theodore by Marcus LaGrone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus LaGrone
Tags: Fiction, furry
time the physics gals run the numbers it doesn't make sense: if the wormholes
were causing the problems then there ought to be even stronger distortions near
them.  Not so much...”
    Anna grinned with giddy anticipation, “I've heard of
the gatehouses!  Those ought to be amazing!”
    “The carvings on them are just as amazing,” offered
Theodore.  “At least ten thousand years old and absolutely no sign of
    “This is going to be so cool!” beamed Anna.
    Katchmel grinned, “Highlands are all fun and things until
you miss the videos or movies...”
    “Ah, but live theater instead!”
    Katchmel grinned knowingly, “I think someone is thoroughly
hooked!  Well, at least you'll fit the seats well; we use human dropships over
the highlands normally.  Human ships seem to cope the best and the pilots have
some amazing coordination.”
    “Hey, humans are good at something,” beamed Anna.
    Katchmel laughed, “Hey, you humans are good at lots of things.  Really sharp eyes for one.  Now, if we could just work on your
sense of smell...”
    Suddenly Anna went pale, “You know about that?”
    Katchmel looked confused, “I thought it was well known that
humans sense of smell wasn't that articulate.”
    Anna flushed, “Oh!  You meant humans in general!  I'm sorry
about that...”
    Katchmel just grinned as he changed the subject, “Come on! 
Food!  The canteen should be good for a couple more hours.”
    Minutes later Anna and Theodore were seated comfortably in a
booth at the canteen eating simple, but tasty and well prepared food. 
Theodore's mind raced with curiosity, but his sense of propriety kept
    Anna looked up at him and offered a feeble smile, “Just ask
it.  I know you want to.”
    Theodore's ears flushed and his fur churned, “Um.  I'm
    Anna laughed and beeped Theodore on the nose, “Synesthesia. 
My brain doesn't process smell like normal people.  I don't talk about it
much.  Makes people feel kinda uneasy around me when they find out.”
    Theodore slowly shook his head, “Pardon my ignorance, but
I've never heard of the word before.”
    Anna forced a smile as she poked at her food, “My brain
mixes things up and I see smells.  Mostly as color...”
    “That sounds pretty cool actually,” offered Theodore
    “Seriously?  Not weird or creepy?”
    “Nope.  Just different,” replied Theodore with a smile. 
“Um, if you haven't noticed, I'm a Taik and you are a human.  Lots of things
are just different!”
    Anna finally let loose an honest laugh, “Yes, yes I did
notice we are very different.  Not the least of which, you are a boy!”
    Theodore grinned, “Noticed that did you?  Even behind all
the fur?”
    Anna grinned, “Yep, even behind all the fur!”

    Theodore was beside himself as he stared out the window of
the dropship to view the Highlands below.  It was always so majestic seeing the
lands from so high up; it always just made things seem so simple and peaceful. 
The ride was far from peaceful, the ship buffeted violently on the descent and
he had his concerns about Anna.
    Anna for her part was hooting and hollering like she was on
a roller coaster ride.  She looked like she might throw up at any moment, but
was having a marvelous time regardless.  “Oh, the Eastern Mountains are so
pretty!  They stay covered in snow year round?”
    “Yep, they range from 4000 way up to 8000 meters.  Darn cold
and thin up that high.  The range in the far northwest is actually higher, but
is also way, way north!  The range starts at just above the arctic circle. 
Here come the clouds!”
    They both laughed as the puffy white clouds started to bathe
the ship.  Their laugh was complimented by the noticeable decrease in
turbulence.  By the time they broke through the bottom, it was whisper smooth
sailing.  Their glorious view of the alpine forests was cut short as the
standard safety drill for

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