Practically Perfect

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Book: Practically Perfect by Katie Fforde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Fforde
got back? Won’t you want to be just family?’
    ‘God no, and as for all that trouble, people will bring things, different courses.’ Chloe paused. ‘No need to look so stricken. I only ask people to do that if they’ve got kitchens.’

Chapter Five

    CHLOE’S DINNER PARTY shone temptingly at Anna all through the hectic week that ran up to it. She was determined, for that evening, to throw off her Girl-with-drill image and be pretty and feminine. She would arrange to have a bath at Chloe’s the night before, as there would be too much pressure on the bathroom for her to have it on the night. She would get it right!
    But before she could panic at the state of her nails she had a lot to do. First thing on Monday morning she bought Caroline a very beautiful slip-collar-and-lead-combined in bright blue. As it was made of soft rope, it didn’t look as if it would hurt Caroline if she pulled at it, and everyone agreed it enhanced her already lovely appearance. She and Chloe’s boys took it for a test-run to the park in the evening, while Chloe made supper.
    ‘She likes it,’ announced Bruno.
    ‘She couldn’t tell us if she didn’t,’ said Tom, precociously.
    ‘I think we’d be able to guess,’ said Anna, keeping the peace.
    She had had a good week with the house, too. Chloe had recommended a good electrician and on Wednesday, he came round to check the wiring.
    When she opened the door to him, he was so young and fit that Anna suspected Chloe of matchmaking. Chloe was very like Laura in some ways, and this was just the sort of thing Laura might have done.
    ‘Hi, I’m Colin, the sparky,’ said this vision in ripped jeans and tight T-shirt. ‘My dad sent me.’
    ‘Your dad?’
    He nodded. ‘You spoke to him on the phone but he had a job to finish over at Miserden so he asked me to come instead. We work together,’ he added, possibly noticing Anna’s misgivings. ‘I’m qualified.’
    Anna opened the door wider. ‘I’m so sorry. I was just expecting an older man. Chloe – she lives next door – said she knew this wonderful electrician and …’ She faltered. She had been going to say that Chloe would have mentioned it if the wonderful electrician had also been gorgeous. Now she felt rather embarrassed. ‘I don’t know, I just thought he was …’
    ‘I’ve only joined up with Dad quite recently,’ said Colin reassuringly. ‘Now, shall I have a look at what’s needed?’
    Later he announced, ‘This has all been done quite recently,’ to Anna’s immense relief. ‘I’ll just check everything, but whoever did it seems to have known what they were doing.’
    ‘Well, that’s a start. I thought it looked OK, but although I know a bit, I wasn’t quite sure about current regulations.’
    ‘Current regulations? I like that! A good joke for a sparky.’
    Anna smiled because he was friendly, not because she thought much of his puns. ‘Would you like a coffee? Or tea? I’ve got biscuits. I bought them specially.’
    ‘Tea, please. Nice place you’ve got here. Bit of a mess now, obviously, but it’s going to be really great. And you can put the floorboards down now.’
    ‘I hope I can. The previous owners ripped them all up and I found them propped up outside against the fence. I hope they’re not too badly rotted.’
    ‘Left out in the open, were they?’
    ‘Not quite. Someone had put some tarpaulin over them. I’ll have a look when you’ve gone.’
    Colin insisted on having a look with her. ‘They’re OK,’ he said.
    ‘They do seem to be,’ she agreed, pleased and surprised. The bottom of that one has rotted a bit, but I can easily sort that out.’
    ‘I know a very good chippy if you need one,’ said Colin. ‘And it looks as if you might.’
    Anna smiled again. ‘I am hoping to do most of the work myself, but if I should need some help, I’ll get back to you.’
    When he’d gone, and Caroline had emerged from Anna’s sleeping bag, she started fitting the floorboards. She

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