My Vampire Cover Model

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Book: My Vampire Cover Model by Karyn Gerrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Gerrard
woman he wanted. The memory of her was more potent and real than any toss in the sheets with a stranger. His reminiscences would have to sustain him for the rest of his existence.
    Burney had one last round of appearances with Carol Brooks to finish off his contract. His face and bare-chested torso graced her latest book, Blood Craving , so a few last signings should close the door on his life as Burn the Cover Model.
    He ran his hand through his hair. The length reached his shoulders now and had been bleached a white blond to match the vampire hero, Nicon. Perhaps he would keep this color for a time. Burney had tried dying his hair in the past, but found it too much work to keep it a specific shade, so he wound up going back to his natural black locks. No doubt he would here, too. What did it matter? A disguise was not needed, as he intended on leaving this life far behind. The sooner he left the States, the better. Further away from her .
    Burney inhaled. Her scent stayed with him always, concurrently tormenting and soothing him. Try as he might, banishing her from his thoughts and his shattered heart proved impossible. Doubt filled his mind. Was this forced exile a mistake? Could he be feeling any more miserable if they were a couple, if Dean loathed his vampire state and refused to become one so they could be together for eternity? He’d never even given her the option, just made the decision himself. Bloody, feckin’ coward .
    Burney pushed away from the window and walked to the counter to pour himself two fingers of green label Old Bushmills. The words he spoken to Dean that night at the restaurant— I will never let you go —haunted him as much as her scent did. So much for his heartfelt declarations. It dawned on him he was Rick Blaine from Casablanca . He was no good at being noble either, but he’d let the woman he loved go because he knew she would regret being with him. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of her life. He raised his glass in a silent salute. Here’s looking at you, kid .
    He threw back the whiskey and poured another. Aye. The sooner I am gone from here, the better .
    After a quick breakfast with her parents, Deanna returned to the granny house with the mail tucked under her arm. Tossing aside the junk, she glanced at the oversized white envelope. The packet was from Aunt Carol. She ripped it open and pulled the book out. Blood Craving . She should at least try to read her aunt’s labors of love. Deanna cocked her head in puzzlement, as the thought somehow seemed familiar. About to toss it on the bed, she caught a glimpse of the hunk on the cover.
    She staggered in shock. It was him , the sexy man-beast of her dream fantasies. With trembling hands, Deanna examined the paperback closely. His hair on this cover was white, but the obsidian eyes glaring back at her were as familiar as if they were her own. In her dreams, though, his eyes seemed to be many different shades of black, silver, or gray.
    Deanna shook her head in disbelief. A model. She must have seen him on a cover. The book fell on the floor as she ran to her bookcase. She dropped to her knees and dug through the bottom shelves. Tossing aside the historical romances as she examined them, Deanna soon had the contents strewn everywhere. The model was not on any of these. Maybe she’d seen his picture in a magazine. Rubbing her forehead in frustration, she fished Blood Craving out of the pile and opened the cover. There was a note inside.
    Hi Deanna! I can’t wait to see you and the family for Thanksgiving dinner. In the meantime, why not come to my appearance in Newburgh? November 19th 7:00 at Barnes & Noble. Be sure to take some allergy pills as Burney will be there! Love, Carol :-)
    Who in hell was Burney? Allergy pills? She’d never had an allergic reaction in her life. These memory lapses were starting to worry her. Like when in hell had she gotten a Blu-ray player? Her parents swore they didn’t

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