Revved Up Hearts

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Book: Revved Up Hearts by Kristy D Kilgore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristy D Kilgore
to meet you.”
    “Nice to meet you, too,” Valerie responded. “Drop by anytime. We’ll have lunch sometime when you’re not busy. Maybe do some shopping. I meant what I said about us being friends.”

    It was Saturday afternoon. Dawn didn’t have anything to do, so she decided to go exploring. She grabbed her camera and walked back to the track. NASCAR fans drove their RVs to the track and stayed there all week, so that they wouldn’t miss any of the action. The first RV she came to was very obviously Fowler fans. Red, black, and green along with 3s and 88s were everywhere, and everybody was wearing something that said “Fowler.” They were barbequing hamburgers and hot dogs. It smelled so good. There were a couple of kids running around. The next camper contained Sean Vaughn fans. The scene was pretty much the same as the first except that the colors and numbers were different. It was the same at every RV. Dawn walked around, watching people and taking pictures. Even though everyone had a different favorite driver, everyone was friendly with everyone else. She heard some friendly trash talk, but nothing serious. She had heard that NASCAR was a big family, and this atmosphere confirmed that. Dawn finished her walk and headed back to her hotel.
    Dawn saw her Bible on the coffee table. She turned to the book of Matthew, chapter 5 and read the Beatitudes. Then she took a moment to pray. “Lord, help me be all those things so that I can be blessed by you. Lord, help me with this situation with Jeremiah. The news today that people are talking about us was surprising. I don’t know how I feel about him. I like him, but he is not a believer. I don’t see myself being unequally yoked. Help me, Lord. Show me the way. I trust you. I know that you will never lead me astray. I know that you always have my best interest at heart. I love you, Father. In Jesus’s name, Amen.”
    Hungry, Dawn decided to go get something to eat. She pulled on her shoes and grabbed her purse. She opened the door, and there was Jeremiah. His hand was in the air, ready to knock. He had a startled look. “You scared me,” he said.
    “Sorry,” she said. “What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you.”
    “Me and some of the guys are going out for pizza. I thought I’d ask you to come along.”
    “I was on my way to find something to eat. Pizza sounds good.”
    “Great,” he said as he pulled the door closed behind her and offered her his elbow. “Shall we go?”
    “Yes,” she said as she slipped her hand in the crook of his elbow, “we shall.”
    Waiting outside was a pickup. Inside were Jeremiah’s crew chief and his wife. Another member of Jeremiah’s crew was in the front passenger seat. Jeremiah helped Dawn climb into the backseat and then climbed in after her. They were met at a local pizza place by the rest Jeremiah’s crew and their wives or girlfriends. It was the first time Dawn had met most of them. Jeremiah told Dawn that this was one of their traditions. They all got together the night before the race to relax and talk about anything but racing. The place was packed, and everybody noticed Jeremiah when he walked in. He took a few minutes to sign autographs and pose for pictures while making his way to the table. Dawn was already there, surrounded by her new friends. He slid into the big, round booth beside Dawn. Then someone else walked in. Dawn’s eyes got as wide as saucers. She couldn’t believe who she was seeing—Sean Vaughn!
    He was immediately surrounded by his fans, just as Jeremiah had been. But Jeremiah was talking to Wes and hadn’t noticed. Dawn grabbed his arm and shook it to get his attention. “Yeah,” he said as he turned to face her.
    “Sean Vaughn just walked in!” was her excited exclamation. “You have to introduce me!”
    “So, you’re a Vaughn fan,” he said with a laugh.
    “Yes, I can’t believe I didn’t bring my camera.”
    Jeremiah laughed again as he waved at Sean.

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