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Book: DragonQuest by Donita K. Paul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donita K. Paul
    “The big dragons won’t come here? Why not? Is Fenworth mad at them, too?”
    Regidor jumped out of his chair, knocking it over, and shouldered his way into a position where he could look out the window. Kale had to step aside.
    Bardon looked up. “Bad manners, Regidor.”
    The dragon muttered, “Excuse me.”
    He poked his nose out the window and sniffed. “I don’t smell anything but The Bogs. I smell sweet mallow vine, water, wet wood, water, and more wet wood. I don’t smell any other dragons. Or this Dar person, either.”
    “He’s too far away,” said Toopka. “Kale said so.”
    “Then how does she know he’s coming?”
    “The little dragons told her,” Toopka said, sticking her chin out.
    “Yes, that’s right,” said Kale. “But I can also feel their presence.”
    “Teach me to do that,” demanded Regidor.
    “Manners,” said Bardon.
    Regidor turned to glare at the lehman. “It’s a waste of time to put in all those extra words just to sound good.”
    “If you want to be in service to Paladin, you must follow his example. Article seventeen—‘gracious in every word.’”
    Exasperated with Bardon’s rules, Regidor hissed through thin lips, “Please, teach me to do that!”
    “I don’t know that I can, Regidor,” answered Kale. “It’s a talent given to me by Wulder. Leetu Bends taught me how to use it, but Wulder gave the talent to me first.”
    “How do I know if He gave it to me?”
    “Well, close your eyes, then try to reach with your mind to things that are beyond this room.”
    The meech dragon obediently closed his eyes and stretched his neck out through the window. “I don’t think this is working.”
    “Be quiet. Give it time.”
    “It’s not working.”
    “You aren’t being quiet.”
have to be quiet?”
    “It works best when I’m quiet.”
    A moment passed.
    “I still don’t think it’s working.”
    She clamped her jaw shut, biting back a sharp retort. Regidor was just like the small children she had tended as a village slave. “You have to wait two whole minutes before you can say it’s not working again.”
    Regidor’s eyelids wrinkled as he squeezed them tighter. His thin lips clenched in a determined grimace.
    Kale gazed out the window with a contented sigh.
    Hello, Dar.
    “Hi, there. Guess I’m not going to surprise you.”
    I’m surprised. I’m also glad you’re coming, but why?
    “We had a battle against an onslaught of Creemoor spiders right after you left. I happened to be in the thick of things and got a medal for bravery. Seems kind of ridiculous to give a fellow a medal for trying to stay alive.”
    Oh, Dar! That’s wonderful. Now they must realize doneels are capable of being warriors. Now they won’t be so reluctant to allow you to train at The Hall.
    “Actually, I’m not going to continue training there.”
    But that’s what you’ve wanted for half your lifetime. You told me so yourself.
    “Paladin said the medal shows I don’t need the training, and he has another job for me. He gave me an honorary commission. You may have to call me ‘sir’ now.”
    Kale laughed.
Sir Dar?
    What is the job?
    “Determining the intent of Risto’s two henchmen, Burner Stox and Crim Cropper. They’ve been involved in some mighty peculiar enterprises of late. Maybe even the spider drop on Vendela.”
    We were there.
    “When the spiders attacked?”
    Yes, we hadn’t gone through the gateway yet. I was poisoned, and it’s taking a long time to get well.
    There was a pause.
“Kale, very few victims of Creemoor spider poison survive.”
    Paladin helped—and Gymn and Fenworth.
    “I’m glad you made it. We’re landing now, west of The Bogs. We’ll camp tonight, and I’ll walk in tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you, my friend.”
    Give Celisse a hug for me. I’ve already greeted her and Merlander. I wish I could fly out to meet you all.
    “I am not going to hug Celisse, but I’ll give her a pat and maybe

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