Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)

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Book: Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) by Cyndi Raye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Raye
Tags: Contemporary Romance
to a romantic sail,” he told her.
    “You know how to drop me to my knees.”
    Josh smiled. “My pleasure. One more item off that list.”
    She laughed out loud and he realized he waited once again in anticipation for the giggle and sigh at the end.
    The mood began to change as music filled the air and wine and champagne flowed. The soul music had most people dancing away as the ship headed back to the dock. Sara’s hips began to sway to the music and then joined in with a few other women who were dancing together. She turned to smile his way several times, her face glowing and he patted himself on the back for a successful night out.
    What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt a bit. The reason he got so angry when he saw Art Shepherd couldn’t be helped. He knew the moment he laid eyes on Shepherd the agency had become involved. After talking with Shepherd he learned that the man who sat in the garden with a book reader worked for Darian Lane.
    Josh’s sister was smack in the middle of Darian Lane’s operations, along with Sara’s brother. How did Lane manage to plant a man at the Inn With No Name? Which just happened to be smack dab in the middle of Duval street. Close to the docks and a major festival going on in town. He’d been in this business too long and could smell a major operation taking place.
    He took Sara away from the Inn tonight for a reason. When he found out the agency planted Shepherd to keep an eye on Darian Lane’s man, Josh insisted they bring more surveillance equipment in. The installation took place while they were out. He wanted to know what the man was doing there and wanted to protect the guests as well, but most of all Sara.
    Josh had a gut wrenching feeling he was being pulled back in to undercover work once again. The agency knew he’d do anything for Sophie. They didn’t know about Sara and he wanted to keep it that way.
    He wasn’t quite sure how to play this. He liked Sara a lot. Watching her dance on the wooden deck, upturned face in the wind, his chest tightened a bit. He had every intention of being honest. Earlier today when they shared that kiss in the kitchen, he pulled away because he couldn’t keep deceiving her. After a long walk, he decided to share the connection to Morgan.
    It seemed like a great plan, until Art Shepherd showed up in the gardens.
    Sara lifted her hands in the air and flung her head back. He pushed himself away from the rail and sauntered closer, unable to resist her any longer. His arms went around her from behind and swung her around. She kicked her heel up and shrieked, playful eyes daring him to dance. So he did.
    Sara felt strong arms around her. It turned out to be the perfect end to a night of bliss. She began to pout when the ship returned dockside.
    Arm in arm they left the sail boat. “I’m sorry it’s over,” she told Josh.
    He twirled her around on the pier. “It doesn’t have to be over. Let’s get a drink.”
    She laughed. “That’s what got us in trouble last night.” She tilted her head, considering his suggestion. “Sure, one drink won’t hurt.”
    Sara followed behind to the open air bar on the wharf. “This is one of the last pieces of old Key West,” Josh mentioned. He tugged on her hand and led her over to the magician’s special corner adjacent to the main bar. By luck they got a bar stool in time for the next show. Sara found out a magician put on a hilarious show for the patrons every night.
    So when the magician bartender insisted they needed a drink before the show, Sara ordered a margarita. She didn’t want anything heavy, not after the night before. Josh must not have been as bad off as because he ordered a whiskey drink. She grinned and raised the glass in the air. “Cheers.”
    The toast must have drawn the magician’s attention, because for the whole show he stood right in front of Sara, pulling cards from behind her ear, making her laugh out loud so much the whole bar roared. All of a sudden, she

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