Kathryn Smith - [Friends 03]

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Book: Kathryn Smith - [Friends 03] by Into Temptation Read Free Book Online
Authors: Into Temptation
across her lap. "I am not going."
    "Oh, well, that does put a knot in things," he replied with mock austerity as he opened the wardrobe door and began emptying it of its contents. "I am not certain what Lady Aberley's servants will think when she and I leave for London and you remain behind."
    "What? Oh, Julian!"
    Letitia sprang from the bed and ran for him, her arms outstretched, nightgown billowing around her.
    He just managed to drop the mound of gowns in his arms onto a chair before she hit him. She hugged him fiercely.
    "Thank you!" she cried, feathering his face with kisses. "Oh, I love you, I love you!"
    Laughing, Julian returned the embrace. Any misgivings he might have had about taking Sophia to London with them evaporated in the face of his sister's happiness. Surely he could survive a few weeks under the same roof as Sophia if it meant having his sister back. He would rarely, if ever, be alone with her and they would be so busy socializing they would scarcely see each other.
    What could possibly happen?

    * * *
    "He changed his mind!"
    Startled by the door of her room flying open, Sophia almost spilled hot coffee all over the front of her nightgown. As it was, the scalding brew splashed against her fingers as she held the cup and saucer over the carpet rather than her bed.
    Hissing in pain, she set the coffee on her bedside table and wiped her smarting fingers on a serviette.
    "Who?" she demanded as Letitia swung the door shut behind her. Sophia wasn't much of a morning person, and this morning she felt even less sociable than usual.
    Of course her sour mood had nothing to do with the fact that she'd spent most of the night lying awake thinking about Julian Rexley and feeling hot and frustrated. Oh, no.
    "Julian!" Letitia cried, oblivious to Sophia's ill humor. "He said you could come to London with us!"
    Sophia's heart literally stopped. "He said what?"
    Letitia practically danced over to the bed. "Is it not wonderful? Of course I had to agree to be civil to the gentlemen on his husband list, but that's of no consequence. They won't steal my heart away from my Mr. Wesley. But whatever is the matter? I thought you would be happy."
    Sophia stared at her. "Happy? What in the world would make you think I would ever be happy about spending weeks in the same house as your brother?" She couldn't go to London, not with Julian. It would only be a matter of time before people remembered the scandal. What if rumors started? If she brought scandal upon the family name, Charles would move in for the kill.
    Letitia's face fell. "But Sophia, you have to! How else am I to fight Julian if you are not with me?"
    Sophia had to laugh at that. "My dear, your brother would stand a better chance at convincing the sun not to rise. You will be fine."
    The young woman's lower lip was starting to tremble. "You have to come! I shall be dreadfully lonely without you. You are the only true friend I have!"
    For once Sophia knew that her friend wasn't being overly dramatic. She honestly believed what she said, and Sophia couldn't help but be touched. And what if she was right about Julian? What if he pressured Letitia into marriage just as Sophia's father had pressured her? She would never forgive herself if that happened and she hadn't done anything to try to prevent it.
    Letitia was relentless. "If you come to London I will have someone on my side when Mr. Wesley decides to approach my brother, and you will be able to go to teas and parties and balls, and Lord Aberley will not be able to stop you!"
    The idea of escaping Charles and his ever-increasing attentions was appealing— very appealing. When he had shown up for dinner the night before, he had made it very clear that he expected her to soon give in to him. And it had been so long since she'd attended a ball…
    "I haven't the wardrobe for going to town," she protested, her pride winning out over her cowardice.
    Letitia dismissed her protests with a wave of her hand and a roll of her dark

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