The School of Flirting

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Book: The School of Flirting by S. B. Sheeran Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. B. Sheeran
Kyoto all those years ago.
    We also had one other critical thing in common. We’re both lesbians. Not to say that we wouldn’t be close if either of us was straight, but it is amazing to have someone truly understand where you are coming from. In case you are wondering, we decided a long time ago that we wouldn’t date each other. Attraction or lack of attraction aside, Leann likes commitment and my trip to America is only a long term visit. I’ve always planned on going back home. Still… I’m a normal college girl with the normal sex drive of a college girl. A yearlong exchange program is way too long to be abstinent.

Chapter 2
    Seek Help
    I was desperate to date but the culture gap was a severe hindrance. Body language and subtle flirtation in western cultures wasn’t taught in any of the text books I’d read. Even combing the campus library psychology and sociology sections, I was only able to turn up a few books on pair bonding and behavior from a heterosexual perspective. Finally, I realized I was going to have to ask for help if I was ever going to get laid.
    “Mm hmm.”
    “I want to flirt with girls. How is this done in America?”
    “What?? I don’t know. Same way you do it at home?”
    “I have tried! I am very polite and I never look girls in the eye.”
    Leann looked confused, “That’s flirting in Japan?”
    “You left Kyoto when you were thirteen. We did not have any practice dating yet. Shy girls are very hot in Japan.”
    “But if both girls are shy how do they get together?”
    I sighed dejectedly, “I don’t know. I am not good at dating Japanese women either.”
    Leann laughed, “Okay, got it.” She chewed on her thumb thoughtfully for a minute before going to her desk and retrieving a crumpled flyer from the top drawer. “I found this a few weeks ago. But I haven’t had the guts to go.” She passed me the paper. It read:
    Is she in to you? How do you tell her you want it too?
    Wanna know the secret?
    Come to
    The School of Flirting!
    Coleman Building basement, Thursdays at 9pm.
    “That is tonight! We must go!”
    Leann waved her hands, “Woah, back that up. Who said ‘we’? I’m not going.”
    “Then why did you have this flyer hidden in your desk?”
    “I just thought it was funny. That’s all. And it is a great example of typography.” I rolled my eyes. Graphic design majors could talk about type face like it was actually interesting (which it is not). I am double majoring in diplomacy and foreign affairs.… so you know there was no way she was getting off that easily. We needed to talk things through before she made a decision; preferably my decision.
    “So you do not need to learn how to flirt?”
    “No! I’m fine.”
    “Then you can teach me! I will not have to go to flirt school either. Right now is a great time to start. Neither of us have classes now.”
    “Umm..”  Leann looked squirrely. “Actually, I have to…go to the library.”
    “I will go with you! That is a great place to start our first lesson, yes?”
    “Ugh. Okay. No. I have no idea how to teach you flirting. I don’t really think about it. I just do it!” She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “When I saw the flyer all I thought about was a whole room full of single girls. Lonely horny girls…”
    “Then you will go with me! Even if you are wicked and have bad motivation.”
    “I have bad intentions and that’s good motivation.” She corrected me offhandedly.  I was very happy because I had won again. We were going to Flirt School!

    Chapter 3
    First Class
    At 9 pm on Thursday we were running across campus.
    “I cannot believe you made me late!”
    “I had to do my makeup! What is the point of flirting if you look like dog meat??”
    I wanted to argue the point that nobody cared and she looked fine, but I let it go. We were too out of breath to debate the issue anyway. Reaching the Coleman building we paused outside to smooth

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